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I converted all my CD's to MP3 15 years ago, but the last 8 years I only use Spotify
Same here.

Have a portable hard drive sitting around full of meticulously curated MP3s. Some from my own collection, most from the heyday of Napster. All of them named in the same format, ID3 tags perfectly filled out and album art sought out and downloaded and formatted perfectly. Countless hours spent behind a screen getting that all setup and perfected. Used it for a couple years before streaming came along.

Haven't touched it in at least a decade I think. We're a Spotify family now with 3 individual and 1 house account. Probably overspend at $15/mo but it just works and is super easy.
So my 33rpm records are worthless?o_O
Yes, they are. Please contact me off line so I can give you my address to dispose of them! ;)
