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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Even if you ignore the bottom of the S from Cannes, what the hell is that supposed to be? Makes me think of my dad and an acquaintance that made a fortune in cosmetics. Dad would always shake his head "how the hell can he make so much money selling colored powder NO ONE really needs". And I think of the genius that managed to sell torn, worn jeans for 5x new price!
And then there's this crap.
Even if you ignore the bottom of the S from Cannes, what the hell is that supposed to be? Makes me think of my dad and an acquaintance that made a fortune in cosmetics. Dad would always shake his head "how the hell can he make so much money selling colored powder NO ONE really needs". And I think of the genius that managed to sell torn, worn jeans for 5x new price!
And then there's this crap.
THe image on the dress is of a woman crossing her legs. The unfortunate thing you see is actually the pictured woman's right leg crossed over her left.

The whole image is just unfortunately posed so that the bottom of the dress is even with bottom of the S, and the side of the leg of the woman ON the dress lines up with the inside of the woman's leg that's IN the dress.

Also, still funny as shit :D :D
I bought, what has to be, one of hte first portable CD players. No anti-skip, and it took (8) AA batteries. It wouldn't quite last long enough on a fresh set to make it through a LONG CD. Some of the short ones were playable, but just barely. Looked a LOT like this one. I was an early adopter and want to say I bought that in like 1992 or 1993 at the young age of 14. Parents didn't understand it and thought I wasted my $189 or so that I spent on it.
I bought, what has to be, one of hte first portable CD players. No anti-skip, and it took (8) AA batteries. It wouldn't quite last long enough on a fresh set to make it through a LONG CD. Some of the short ones were playable, but just barely. Looked a LOT like this one. I was an early adopter and want to say I bought that in like 1992 or 1993 at the young age of 14. Parents didn't understand it and thought I wasted my $189 or so that I spent on it.
I'm with you. My portable CD Player from 1991 wasn't even as fancy at that Panasonic. Skipped way to much in the car...
I'm with you. My portable CD Player from 1991 wasn't even as fancy at that Panasonic. Skipped way to much in the car...
I remember having a portable CD player with the cassette tape attachment to play the CD through the car radio. Now cars don’t even come with a factory CD player. Times are a changing….
I bought, what has to be, one of hte first portable CD players. No anti-skip, and it took (8) AA batteries. It wouldn't quite last long enough on a fresh set to make it through a LONG CD. Some of the short ones were playable, but just barely. Looked a LOT like this one. I was an early adopter and want to say I bought that in like 1992 or 1993 at the young age of 14. Parents didn't understand it and thought I wasted my $189 or so that I spent on it.
When I got mine probably same time as you, I was not a fan how big it was vs Walkman, but definitely enjoyed CDs way more.
My dad told me there was no future in CDs :) Now I kanda believe him haha. My kids don't even have songs they live in Spotify world.
Mine collection is too big to give it up. Plus I feel people listen to music they listen when they were between 15-30 forever. New music is not the same.
I converted all my CD's to MP3 15 years ago, but the last 8 years I only use Spotify