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Repairing and Overhauling a 2010 242 LS (pic heavy)

I recall that at least one of the yamaha engines (992c 1052 or 1812 cc) have an actual drain plug at the back and riva offers a part to make use easier but it was over $100 for what I thought was a shaped / pre bent metal tube with a threaded end. If I can find and remove the drain plug easily, I will, otherwise I will just go through a few oil change cycles. Right now oil is $23 for 5 quarts.
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A I recall the 992/1,052 cc motors have a different lubrication system (dry sump?) than the 1,812 cc motors which is why most if not all of the oil can be removed from the 1,812s whereas the 992s and 1,052s only about of of their oil may be removed (through the top anyway).
1052cc full drain plug location:

@Ronnie I've recently been through the engine swap process (pulled both, replaced one with a donor) - please hit me up if you have any questions at all, I'd be happy to help.
Thanks you so much!

My boat is still at the shop so I plan to prep the donor engines (get all the water out of them and install new spark plugs) before starting to separate the engines from the hull, removing the mounting bolts last (when I’m ready to winch the engines)

Any tips and tricks from someone who has been there and done that would be appreciated.
@Ronnie - Very glad to hear you were able to connect with @John Mcpartland, and strike a deal. I appreciate your contributions to the community, as you are great at sharing your thought process, documenting the task(s) and sharing the outcome(s)!

Wishing you a successful swap process here. That’s also awesome that you were able to get some quality time with your brother!!
itsdjm had a write up a long time ago about his engine swap and build his own gantry, not sure about how level your driveway or street is but I would definitely be me first choice,

I wonder if your marina or a local shop has a forklift, you could pay them $100. have the engines prepped for removal with the hatches already removed and just the final mounting bolt removal, swap them and then do the rest at home, buckbuck used a forklift when he did his engine removal thread,
think it through and be safe...

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Thanks guys. @itsdgm mounted a winch to the ceiling/rafters of his garage, that won’t work for me. My neighbor built a gantry and used it in his driveway for a boat engine swap a few years ago. If he still has it (at his parents house) I can use it for free. I’ve thought about renting a forklift but the logistics make it a non starter (assuming I have to pick it up and drop it off, on top of which I don’t know how to drive / use one). I may ask my marina if I can use theirs but I doubt they would let me, even if I paid them, liability being what it is. Worst cases are that I build one on the side of my house or buy one from harbor freight (hoping they have it in stock and it does not cost more than $400).
Thanks guys. @itsdgm mounted a winch to the ceiling/rafters of his garage, that won’t work for me. My neighbor built a gantry and used it in his driveway for a boat engine swap a few years ago. If he still has it (at his parents house) I can use it for free. I’ve thought about renting a forklift but the logistics make it a non starter (assuming I have to pick it up and drop it off, on top of which I don’t know how to drive / use one). I may ask my marina if I can use theirs but I doubt they would let me, even if I paid them, liability being what it is. Worst cases are that I build one on the side of my house or buy one from harbor freight (hoping they have it in stock and it does not cost more than $400).
The harbor freight one was too narrow if I remember correctly.
Thanks guys. @itsdgm mounted a winch to the ceiling/rafters of his garage, that won’t work for me. My neighbor built a gantry and used it in his driveway for a boat engine swap a few years ago. If he still has it (at his parents house) I can use it for free. I’ve thought about renting a forklift but the logistics make it a non starter (assuming I have to pick it up and drop it off, on top of which I don’t know how to drive / use one). I may ask my marina if I can use theirs but I doubt they would let me, even if I paid them, liability being what it is. Worst cases are that I build one on the side of my house or buy one from harbor freight (hoping they have it in stock and it does not cost more than $400).
Hey Ronnie. I did put a hoist in the garage, but not to pull the engine in my boat. I built a gantry. Its portable, so if you can arrange a pickup to Southern California, let me know.

I used a leveling bar (required on my boat to tilt the engine out), chain hoist and the gantry. My gantry has two upper cross beams so that I can use a piece of round pipe to attach the chain hoist to. This allows me to move the engine/hoist laterally by simply rotating the pipe by hand. Also, keep in mind that you’ll need to move the boat forward after the engine is on the hoist in order to lower it to the ground (unless you have wheels on the gantry).

Let me know if I can help you in any way. Good luck with the repairs.

Dennis @itsdgm , the more I read posts like yours the more amazed I am at how diverse so many members, like yourself are. I also start to wonder if I bit off more than I can chew. Changing oil, installing a stereo system, ok, but swapping out engines is another level for me.

thanks for the offer on the gantry, I’m going to explore other options first in an attempt to limit my time on the road, 10 hours up to and 12 (14 including dinner) on top of a 16 hour round trip to my son in Scal a few weeks ago is enough for me for a while.

I’m about to try gantry shopping here in discovery bay. Iknow I’m not the only one who had needed a gantry here, one of the few places you can live on the waterin NCal.

my current plan is to have the sterns of both boats face each other with a wheeled gantry between them. The boats trailers will be hooked up to tow vehicles so I can move them back and forth if o don’t have wheels on the gantry. Seems like a good idea right now but ….

i will try to take and post more pics in the future, not much to see so far other than me extracting and refilling oil while trying to figure out where I’m going to store parts like the tower, fuel tank, two engines, two captains chairs (one old one new), cushions, etc., I don’t know if I should keep the cushions, hatches, glove box/console, etc. i know thar Someone will want or need this stuff eventually but …. More first world problems, woe is me.

thanks for letting me rant / spitball guys.
I need to take some measurements of the donor boat, if I can’t buy a gantry I’ll have to build one. Although renting may also be an option. I’ve never towed a gantry before but there is a first time for everything.

Here are some pics i took of my work space and donor boat. The damage to the hull starts at the first cross bar of the trailer and extends to the front of the intake grates. Unless you can repair the damage yourself or can have it done really cheap/free the hull is irrecoverable, done, toast, cashed, totaled.

i replaced the oil and filters for the second time, started the engines and emptied the oil extractor this morning. Starboard looks pretty good, port is still like creamy chocolate milk. More tomorrow.
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Here are some pics i took of my work space and donor boat. The damage to the hull starts at the first cross bar of the trailer and extends to the front of the intake grates. Unless you can repair the damage yourself or can have it done really cheap/free the hill is irrecoverable, done, toast, cashed, totaled.

i replaced the oil and filters for the second time, started the engines and emptied the oil extractor this morning. Starboard looks pretty good, port is still like creamy chocolate milk. More tomorrow.
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Hopefully you can recoup some money with the trailer and anything else you can sell from it
Not sure how’d you ship it to IL or if it would cost a fortune, but I’d be interested in that bow cushion back rest by the windshield. My boat only came with the 2 that lay flat, one of which is convertible to act as the backrest. It would be handy to have that 3rd cushion. Might also be interested in a table leg.