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Repairing and Overhauling a 2010 242 LS (pic heavy)

No luck with the windshield glass yet?
Not yet. No time or when I do have time to try to tint it, it’s windy. I am More seriously considering modifying the 2017 frame to use the 2017 front glass and have two side pieces cut from plexiglass. That gets me back to no time.
Took a few minutes to install the recently reupholstered swim deck seat cushions and remount the new good year endurance spare tire. America’s tire said because of the angle that the bolt which flattened the tire penetrated the tire, the tire could not simply plug or patch the hole and move on. Almost free, had to pay $34 for the new extended warranty/service plan for the new spare.
I’ve had the Americas / Discount tire road hazard for over 30 years on all my tires and it’s been well worth it.
I added the pinstripe and pimp placard as planned this morning. Not perfect but acceptable, for now at least.

Next (tonight) I plan to add the fender mounts, and resize the fender lines.

Tomorrow is tint day.

I’m still on the fence about upgrading from the 2010 galvanized MFI trailer (which I painted with truck bedliner a few years ago) to the 2017 painted Shorelander trailer.

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I wasn't sure about the red topped upholstery but the red pin stripes really pulls it together,
Here are Pics of the fender mounts I installed and and fenders i set up for them.

i am not looking forward to tinting the windows but it will be nice to be done with repairs and upgrades this year.


Again, tons of sweat equity has produced a great looking boat, and there is no other like it! The pin striping looks great!
I got prepped to tint the curved windows this morning but found I was short one thing, more tint.IMG_2721.jpeg
Done with the window, for this season anyway. I planned to cover the damage with mirror tint but I ran out before I started. Went with lens tint instead.

It's a shame I hadn't followed this earlier, but for anyone contemplating pulling their engines, if you're the type who wants plans for something like a gantry crane, here's a set from a guy I've bought several products and plans from. I haven't needed a gantry crane, but if I ever do, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to pick up Jonathan's plans.

It's a shame I hadn't followed this earlier, but for anyone contemplating pulling their engines, if you're the type who wants plans for something like a gantry crane, here's a set from a guy I've bought several products and plans from. I haven't needed a gantry crane, but if I ever do, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to pick up Jonathan's plans.

I considered buying or building a gantry/A-frame but don’t have a good location to put it. That is, my side yard is to thin and my front yard to sloped. It would have cost a lot less money than the hoist I bought. Fortunately the hoist was a perfect fit and I ended up selling it to my mobile mechanic.