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Repairing and Overhauling a 2010 242 LS (pic heavy)

Looks awesome Ronnie!
I continued reskinning upholstery skins yesterday and looks like k will be doing the same today. I also installed mounting pins for the engine hatch foam/sound absorbing material (I.e., sanded the ware under each pin, glued the pins in place with heavy duty adhesive and out tape over each pin ), test tinted the center window and painted the gps antennae cover, pics are pending on the last two things. B9B2F8AD-176F-460C-B479-E9809F35B1A0.jpeg77B21185-0136-490F-8E17-ACA22B45429E.jpeg0FE216D8-534F-4551-A9B8-EAF5A766FA11.jpeg56FD4079-689F-4DB8-9893-F34CD5B0313D.jpeg
I continued reskinning upholstery skins yesterday and looks like k will be doing the same today. I also installed mounting pins for the engine hatch foam/sound absorbing material (I.e., sanded the ware under each pin, glued the pins in place with heavy duty adhesive and out tape over each pin ), test tinted the center window and painted the gps antennae cover, pics are pending on the last two things. View attachment 200899View attachment 200900View attachment 200901View attachment 200902
I am highly anticipating the insulation results. I was looking at my hatch yesterday and just realized that OEM insulation on the main part that you are about to tackle is only 1/2 inch. I thought it was the same 1” + like where you still have insulation. Weatherstripping around the perimeter (which you’ve done) was still a huge improvement and should be the first thing anyone does.
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After four consecutive days of (driveway) boating my boat is looking a lot more ready for the water.
My goal is to be boating by next weekend. Still waiting on a few skins but so far satisfied with the overall progress and results. Here is are two teaser shots. C46D13A2-1CF1-4119-BEE7-C99292DF8EAB.jpeg6E5B6604-B472-4668-834C-8429E9570688.jpeg
Getting it done a little bit at a time. This before work this morning I secured the swim deck seat backs to the hull. All I had to do was put 20 washers and nuts on. It took an hour and a half including getting access under the foam in the engine compartment and behind the swim deck speaker. I installed the cushions and the sound absorbing material on engine compartment hatch after work, thankfully that only room a few minutes including taping the edges of the new cushions (to protect them while I worked the piece in the ground).335AFD36-7CF7-4AE6-9013-692B844C6954.jpeg9BFB2BF0-E193-449F-84C5-3C3AA5E8DA85.jpeg9067F270-B039-4C5C-BD4E-374E51EAE002.jpeg
Getting it done a little bit at a time. This before work this morning I secured the swim deck seat backs to the hull. All I had to do was put 20 washers and nuts on. It took an hour and a half including getting access under the foam in the engine compartment and behind the swim deck speaker. I installed the cushions and the sound absorbing material on engine compartment hatch after work, thankfully that only room a few minutes including taping the edges of the new cushions (to protect them while I worked the piece in the ground).View attachment 201100View attachment 201101View attachment 201102
Well done Ronnie
All the new upholstery skins have been installed, along with the new “D” seal along the engine compartment opening. I got the boat on the water for the first time this season yesterday. I am all but done, just need to tint the windows, add a pin stripe and a few other little things buy for the most part this project is complete. Here are a few more pics.
Evaluations of individual upgrades and modifications will follow soon.

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All the new upholstery skins have been installed, along with the new “D” seal along the engine compartment opening. I got the boat on the water for the first time this season yesterday. I am all but done, just need to tint the windows, add a pin stripe and a few other little things buy for the most part this project is complete. Here are a few more pics.
Evaluations of individual upgrades and modifications will follow soon.

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Beautiful Ronnie. All your hard work paid off. Nicely done
Looks great! I assume it ran great as well! Lots of hard work but it is worth it at the end.
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Tons and tons of sweat equity and your boat looks fantastic! I hope you get a ton of time on it this summer !!!! All that water out your way this winter should have all your lakes full to the top!
Thanks @FSH 210 Sport and @rkluck .

The boat ran great for the most part.
I’ve got camping trips planned and will try to get out on the water as much as I can. If I can get into a slip or the dry stack this year my wife and I will be boating to dinner on the weekdays and possibly doing morning cruises as well.

One issue and two observations to report:

I lost one of the two hinges that holds the convertible lounger together so I used flex seal temporarily, looks like I will be spending time cleaning that up after I find the hinge.

the new seat pedestal has a lot more play than the fixed unit, I expected this but for $200 + I was hoping for less movement / creaking.

finally, the extra detent/stop on the throttle arms does not seem to be doing anything as far as increasing rpm’s at all.

I still need to tint the windows and some other little things but I’m the meantime I loaded the new grill, fenders and lines into the boat and am prepping for the next big project, switching and upgrading trailers. I also need to replace one of my neighbor fences.
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Can’t wait to see the Bat Cave!
Can’t wait to see the Bat Cave!
You seen it several times in my pics. My man cave is only half of a two car garage. My wife owns the other half.

This sets up a problem for me to tint the boat’s windows. The boat won’t fit into the garage / under the door, so I will need to tint it outside, which means early morning before the wind starts up or on a really hot day when there is no wind. That three flat windows I should be able to do unit in an hour total. The curved windows should take me about an hour each, two hours for the drivers window since I plan to do front and back.
Hey Ronnie - Nice work, looking great!

finally, the extra detent/stop on the throttle arms does not seem to be doing anything as far as increasing rpm’s at all

I believe this detention was what Yamaha called enhanced thrust assist, or some other name, but in essence, it keeps the buckets slightly closed to deflect more of the thrust down for better maneuverability. The RPMs will remain low (no wake speed).
Hey Ronnie - Nice work, looking great!

I believe this detention was what Yamaha called enhanced thrust assist, or some other name, but in essence, it keeps the buckets slightly closed to deflect more of the thrust down for better maneuverability. The RPMs will remain low (no wake speed).
That may explain it, that is, I thought the extra detent would increase the rpms a little more and give the no wake mode more range. Knowing what I know now, I would not have burned the time it took to switch out the throttle assembly,

On the bright side, all the cables (throttle and forward/reverse) are now separate from the throttle assembly which makes the latter easier and less expensive to pack and ship.
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You seen it several times in my pics. My man cave is only half of a two car garage. My wife owns the other half.

This sets up a problem for me to tint the boat’s windows. The boat won’t fit into the garage / under the door, so I will need to tint it outside, which means early morning before the wind starts up or on a really hot day when there is no wind. That three flat windows I should be able to do unit in an hour total. The curved windows should take me about an hour each, two hours for the drivers window since I plan to do front and back.
Don’t forget to get tint that is “half as much” for the drivers side, so that when you double it up it will be the same as the other windows.
Found an older post on it, @Julian summarizes it well….

TDE - Thrust Directional Enhancer

@Ronnie doesn’t have the late model jet nozzles that direct some of the reverse flow to the sides, which as I understand it is part of the TDE. As Will at JBP described it, using the no wake mode switch to increase the rpm’s while the levers are in the TDE position is what makes it work better, and it does work when cruising along using both throttles in unison and the steering wheel. For me, I’ve found the different amounts of thrust from just barely open to TDE to full idle ahead work great when trolling, and I’ve used TDE at full no wake mode speed [HASH=6996]#3([/HASH]?) great for taking people for tours around and close to the shore, kinda like the jungle boat cruise at Disneyland when I was a kid.
@Ronnie doesn’t have the late model jet nozzles that direct some of the reverse flow to the sides, which as I understand it is part of the TDE. As Will at JBP described it, using the no wake mode switch to increase the rpm’s while the levers are in the TDE position is what makes it work better, and it does work when cruising along using both throttles in unison and the steering wheel. For me, I’ve found the different amounts of thrust from just barely open to TDE to full idle ahead work great when trolling, and I’ve used TDE at full no wake mode speed [HASH=6996]#3([/HASH]?) great for taking people for tours around and close to the shore, kinda like the jungle boat cruise at Disneyland when I was a kid.
Now that I I have already installed the new throttle assembly I plan to just use it as as. Now there is just an extra detent to push though before throttling up.

i considered upgrading to the new exhaust resonator boxes but am on the fence about it since I’ve already reinstalled the clean out port cover and it doesn’t look like replacing the resonators will be a simple in line substitution of components.