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Repairing and Overhauling a 2010 242 LS (pic heavy)

Yes, I’ve got it and will sell it, just not until I get my boat up and running. So another month or so.
Ok, thanks!
I picked up my boat from the shop.
The shop replaced the timing chain on the starboard motor with a new one, not a thicker / upgraded chain but a new one.

I plan to compression check, winterize and change the oil and filter on it before pulling it.
i am not sure yet if I will keep it as a spare or try to sell it.

If I sell it, it will be complete, that is everything from the intake, exhaust manifolds and as coupler up so that whoever buys it should be able to bolt it in and get back on the water quickly.

I left the top of the tower at the shop because I’m having them reconnect/weld the tow point back on (another story).
Are you planning to reuse the intake and exhaust from your 2010 and just swap the long blocks ? Or are you going to try and mix the 2017 stuff in the 2010 hull ?
Hoping to drop both donor engines in and attach them to the 2010’s intake and exhaust manifolds. The shop indicated this should be plug and play so long as the 2017 motors don’t have catalytic converters. I don’t believe that they do based on their stated KW output which is the same as the 2010 motors. The other thing the shop told me to lookout for is the location of the sensors and differences in connections on the wiring harness which may hav exchanged over 7 years and the transition from multi function gauges to an integrated connext screen.
Update: Changed the oil and filter on original starboard engine (with new timing chain) and conducted a compression check on it preparation For storage or sale. The rough plan is to resume work around mid / January after the holidays.
Here are some pics of what I’m dealing with so far, definitely “in it” now.

I’m ready to prep the engines to be pulled and reinstalled.

Oh Boating Gods, please don’t let me F this up!

Finally got around to rechecking the compression on both donor engines today. All cylinders came back between 160 and 170 psi . Just over 200 hours on each engine.
I Caught break in the weather (lull between “atmospheric rivers”) and used it to disconnect the donor engines from their hull. Specifically, all of the electrical wiring and fuel lines are free. The exhaust couplings are loose. All that’s left before the engines can be lifted out is to disconnect the cooling lines from the pumps and the four mounting bolts on each engine.

during the process I also removed both electrical boxes (I.e., the spare fuse box, ecm and mounting tray for each engine). I also removed both batteries and the Dsvr (switches). Finally, I pulled a ballast bag/ fat sac out of the ski locker. Attached are some after and before pics.

just waiting on the next weekend without rain to pull the engines and reinstall at least the port engine.

i already have two new sets of cobra fins and fangs on order and plan to complete my order for impact graphics soon, followed by an order for new upholstery skins.

I just received my order of two complete sets of cobra jet fins and fangs. So my old set along with the first generation thrust diverters will be for sale soon.

I also dropped the tower tow point and satellite radio antennae off for repair and installation. That is the tow point needs to be welded back on / reattached and I asked the shop to flatten out the top and install the Sirius radio antennna on top of it with the lead running through it and the tower.

I put a 75% deposit new upholstery skins.

lastly, I removed the upholstery skins from the donor captains chair I plan to have reupholstered and installed on my boat with a pneumatic pedestal and new base/mount.

I’m hoping to place an order for impact graphics this week.


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Next step: disconnect the electrical and plumbing from the remaining (starboard) engine in my boat and pull it if weekend weather permits and if I can get / hire someone to help me. I may just end up paying the shop I work with to complete the engine swaps, having my boat ready to receive the donor motors should reduce the cost if I go the shop route.

I’ve also decided to sell the starboard engine to recover some of the overall repair and upgrade costs. I think the big difference between my motor and those I’ve seen online so far is that my motor will come complete and ready to plug and play, whereas what I’m seeing online are only partial assemblies (for instance missing the spark plugs, coils ($200 each), oil cooler ($650), fuel rail and injectors ($tbd but certainly not cheap), etc.

fyi-the pic below was taken after the port engine was removed and while the starboard engine was getting a new timing chain (preventative maintenance).

The new parts came in last night. They are quick release ends and mounts for the Bimini tops frame. I first bought and used a pair around 5 years ago but lost one of them in the road about 2 years ago (zipper on the boot failed so I bungee corded the Bimini in the stowed position, the top caught air, buffeted, shredded and the end piece vibrated off somewhere on the freeway, causing me to have new top made for $500). It took me this long to find them again. When I first bought them they were $20 or so each, I just paid $35 for each of these but was happy to do so because I think allow me to easily deploy and stow my Bimini top and a big improvement over the non oem mounts I’m currently using.
Just got quotes for repairing two tears in one of my covers and to reattach the tow point of the tower. The cover was loose one trip, wind got under it and it tore at the stern snaps. See pics. The quote to repair is $175 to $350. That is at least one hour, up to two, and they are booked solid so won’t get to it for a couple weeks. Once again I’m realizing I’m in the wrong profession. I may be able to have it done for less but not closer to home and not without burning more time, so I authorized the work.

the quote for the tower repair is $500. It won’t be welded directly back on. Instead a plate will be welded to the top of the tower and the tow point will be welded to it from the top and bottom. For the same reasons as above, I authorized the repair.

Before I forget or loose the pics in my files, here are a few pics of my worn upholstery. Being stored outside and because I rarely conditioned it took its toll and I’ve already started paying for it with a deposit on new skins. If you are handy at all I think self installation is the way to go to save on the labor costs. I say this before I have revived and replaced any of the skins. Hopefully I will feel the same when the job/work is completed.
It was a busy weekend. Prepped on Saturday. Pulled three engines on Sunday / today and also removed the tower and windshield, among some other things, from the donor boat.


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I don't know if I could resist the urge to take both hulls, that pile of engines, the jet pumps and make a triple engine Jet boat....

its like an Adult set of LEGO's....

:wideyed: :rolleyes: :eek: :banghead: ? [flag]
It was a busy weekend. Prepped on Saturday. Pulled three engines on Sunday / today and also removed the tower and windshield, among some other things, from the donor boat.

Looks like that hoist worked great!
It worked out but unexpectedly, I had to position it on the sides of the boats instead of the sterns. Admittedly I didn’t accomplish much on my own on Saturday so I asked my mobile mechanic for help on Sunday and he offered to buy the winch from me for what I paid for it.
Curious what this is going to cost in the end? Almost seems like a new boat would have been a better route, though much more boring.
I try not to think too much about the costs but off the top of my head I will have about $2k into mobile mechanic labor when all is said and done and another $250 in oil and filters to flush out the donor engines. I got the donor hull, trailer and engines for less than I could buy a single used engine for online. I’ve got another $1k into the drive to and from Washington to pick up the donor boat and trailer. So only about $3,250 in other out of pocket expenses so far.

This excludes the cost for new upholstery, under $3,500, impact graphics, under $1k, $500 for tower tow point repairs, up to $350 for cover repairs. I’m not sure if the donor windshield will fit yet, if it doesn’t that will cost around $1,500 installed.

Even if the total above works out to $15k, I’m still better off upgrading and repairing than replacing with something comparable whether new or used. I’m not sure what a new 220 or 250 costs but I’m sure its at least $45k. I have not seen any used 240s lately for less than $30k.

i take some solace from the fact that Ishould be able to recover all of my repair costs with sales of parts from the donor boat and trailer as well as the sale of my original boat engine.