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Repairing and Overhauling a 2010 242 LS (pic heavy)

I picked up the engine side of the coupler from my old bad engine yesterday and paid for the tower repair. The tower looks great but I could pick it up because I underestimated it’s size, it won’t fit in my suv. I plan to borrow a truck and pick it up next week.

While there I asked about removing the coupling from the other engines. There are special tools involved so was told it would be easier to switch the boat side couplings instead. I was also told that aligning the engines is done by eye. Just install the engine without the dampener in the coupling, level it with shims, remove the engine and insert the dampener before reinstalling the engine. The shop offered to pull the old couplings off for me but I would need to bring them the engines and they may not have the right tool to work on the new couplings. They ended by telling me to send pics and any questions I may have. They treat me well and it’s nice to have a backup plan in case I get over my head.677C3CEE-E652-4118-83FE-06D068FAFAD0.jpeg
For the alignment the manual has a spec for the distance but I have heard from other members that they stacked coins in the gap as they are setting it to keep it even.
I stopped by a nearby landfill today and got hull disposal fees. $118 per 2,000 pounds, not bad. Add $488 if I need them to pull the hull off the trailer. I’m almost certain that I can’t just bring another vehicle and help to avoid that fee but I will ask.
1B18D352-C21D-4411-85BD-7FF201B74A1A.jpegA07B05BE-7C8F-444F-A50F-E250F9DEBA7D.jpeg998EDF31-FC2B-4666-BADC-DB66A1D565D0.jpegFrom the repair manual if you don’t already have it.
I stopped by a nearby landfill today and got hull disposal fees. $118 per 2,000 pounds, not bad. Add $488 if I need them to pull the hull off the trailer. I’m almost certain that I can’t just bring another vehicle and help to avoid that fee but I will ask.

not sure what their set up is like but,

I wonder if you could take a floor jack, jack up the front half, give the trailer a jerk, or maybe jack it up and put some wood or even jack stands, once it off the trailer you could rock the boat (don't rock the boat baby) to retrieve the jack stands,
not sure what their set up is like but,

I wonder if you could take a floor jack, jack up the front half, give the trailer a jerk, or maybe jack it up and put some wood or even jack stands, once it off the trailer you could rock the boat (don't rock the boat baby) to retrieve the jack stands,
I planned to go back and ask them what my options are. If I can avoid the $488 fee I will try to do so. Incidentally I shared the information with my brother, his response, “Did you call the sheriff? They offer free disposal”. My first thought, “WTF bro?, couldn’t tell me that months ago or at least before I left work early to visit the dump?”
Here is the latest:

On Saturday I cleaned up the engine compartment on my boat and got the wiring harness out of the way in prep for transplanting the donor engines in.

we ended up moving the intermediate bearings (mine looked worn but I didn’t see any grease leaking from them), engine couplers, wiring harnessand ecms from the donor boat to my boat. We managed to get one of the donor engines loosely installed but haven’t had a chance to level and start it up.

I also stripped the donor boat a little more.

hoping the weather is good next weekend so o can get the engines installed and running. 86F45337-D133-4395-99D7-A9335ACAD039.jpeg5BDCB0C9-7C2B-4CD4-A876-2BA6AB93C2CE.jpeg5AAA3936-6C5E-4C36-B998-98DDB3D13E20.jpeg6B6A24BA-7B23-4974-B644-34B3D95CD2E1.jpeg
Do you have concerns that the newer harness and ECM will play nice with your boat ? Tachometers and such ?
At first it looked like I would lose my nonwake/cruise control function if I used the new wiring harness but closer inspection revealed that the new wiring harness still had the correct wiring for the no wake mode switch (It was just capped).

I wasn’t able to power the new donor motor up so I don’t yet know for sure if everything or anything will work but so far everything seems to check out.

if it all does work out I will be putting a lot of items up for sale soon afterwards, now this includes a matching ecm and wiring harness for the original engine.
Accomplished a major milestone today, got both engines: installed/aligned and running before hitting the water for 30 minute test run. All gauges/telemetry and dash switches work.
I was surprised to find that the engine hours are stored In The guages not the ecms. Still both Engines new topped out at 7700 now they top out to 8000 and it hits 52 mph. All I had on the boat was 3/4 a tank of fuel, three guys, and two dock lines.

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Just outstanding Ronnie!!!! And 8K rpms is awesome as well!

Well done!
Great to hear !!! that is one mental hurdle that is great to put behind you,
I stopped by a nearby landfill today and got hull disposal fees. $118 per 2,000 pounds, not bad. Add $488 if I need them to pull the hull off the trailer. I’m almost certain that I can’t just bring another vehicle and help to avoid that fee but I will ask.
Cheaper to dispose of than take it off the trailer. Sounds like a job for silicon spray and a sand spike. ?
Just outstanding Ronnie!!!! And 8K rpms is awesome as well!

Well done!
Cheaper to dispose of than take it off the trailer. Sounds like a job for silicon spray and a sand spike. ?
I already thought the same thing, I have two shore spikes. I need to find out if they will allow me to use them.
Looks real good Ronnie. I like the previous covers you did too, wasn’t it red with black lettering?
Thanks for the feedback. You are correct about my first set being painted red. I’m just considering painting the set that came with the donor boat.