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Repairing and Overhauling a 2010 242 LS (pic heavy)

You should keep the boat in the backyard and hack it up to turn into an outdoor bar.
While I appreciate having the donor boat for parts and the experience I gained dis-assembling it, I want it gone ASAP!

the only things left to remove on the hull that I want are the rudder, ride plates, possibly the clean out plug mounts, the unbroken intake grate, the yamaha symbols and the fuel tank /related accessories. I should be able to remove all of that by the end of next weekend.Looks like the first three items will need to be cut out.

i forgot to take pics along the way but here are a few more of parts recently removed. I removed the rub rail, storing it was a PITA but I managed it. That will be a pickup only item, I won’t pack and ship it.

as far as. I can tell the top and bottom of the hull are held together by some adhesive, possibly fiber glass resin and a lot of screws which secure the rubber of the rub rail to the SS frame and the SS frame to the hull. If Yamaha added any Sound absorbing or extra floatation foam to this boat o haven’t found any.
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Today’s update: i finished salvaging what i could from the donor boat. A broken intake grate, clean out ports and intake ducts are all thats left in it. The latter two because they are fiberglasses into or onto the hull and i dont think they are worth cutting out. The gas tank was harder to remove than i expected and i had to cut the transducer and runner out / off. I even kept the compartment doors / engine hatch but am thinking i can dispose of the last part with the hull.

I also included pics of a large hole I drilled in the bow below the water line to show how thick it is there. The boat has no floatation foam in it and the hull top and bottom are held together by a combination or screws and adhesive. Finally I registered the boat and trailer in my name. I may switch trailers once the donor boat is gone.
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Doubt it but what would that transducer work for a 252?
Doubt it but what would that transducer work for a 252?
I have no idea. Well maybe check a site like yamaha sports plaza to see if the part numbers are the same.
I starter removing flame arrester pass throughs (aka ribbon delete upgrades) from the spare assemblies with plans to move the working engines. I also started painting some of the plastic parts in the engine compartment.
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I just finished painting the spare engine covers. I considered using pin stripping to cover the blemishes along the red and black seam but decided not to spend anymore time on this.
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Amazing job Ronnie. That was a lot of FN work, but you did it. Awesome. Curious to see what you do about the seat pedestals. I want to change mine out. I wish I followed this thread sooner, I live close buy and could of helped you out. I’m a retired mechanic. The lakes are going to be filled to the brim this summer. Hope to meet up sometime.
Amazing job Ronnie. That was a lot of FN work, but you did it. Awesome. Curious to see what you do about the seat pedestals. I want to change mine out. I wish I followed this thread sooner, I live close buy and could of helped you out. I’m a retired mechanic. The lakes are going to be filled to the brim this summer. Hope to meet up sometime.
Thanks for the kind words. Im
Glad the hard part is over, getting the engines installed and running is over but there is still so much more to do. Still I’m Looking forward to boating this coming season as it looks like there will be more water to boat in for the first time in years. I’m sure we can meet up sometime this season, I will let you know when I plan to boat near rio vista, which should be at least a few times as I launch near there to go to old Sacramento and whenever we want to tube and the weather is good / wind is down or non existent. Rare I know since there is a reason there is a huge wind farm nearby. Thanks again. Boating season can’t come soon enough yet it also feels like it’s coming to soon this off season.
@RobbieO , about the seat pedestal, i plan to reuse one of the current mounting holes and drill and tap five more. I don’t have the tools or the detailed know how yet but you tube is my friend and it if lets me down I will pay someone to do the job OR just revert back to the static pedestal, the latter is the last thing I’d do since I’m already out the cash (around $200 for the adjustable pedestal) and I just sold the original seat and pedestal last weekend.

now that I think about it I may buy and try this weekend on the donor hull before I dispose of it. Thanks for planting the seed on this. I’m sure it will beat the hell out of removing staples from the existing upholstery.


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@RobbieO , about the seat pedestal, i plan to reuse one of the current mounting holes and drill and tap five more. I don’t have the tools or the detailed know how yet but you tube is my friend and it if lets me down I will pay someone to do the job OR just revert back to the static pedestal, the latter is the last thing I’d do since I’m already out the cash (around $200 for the adjustable pedestal) and I just sold the original seat and pedestal last weekend.

now that I think about it I may buy and try this weekend on the donor hull before I dispose of it. Thanks for planting the seed on this. I’m u wit will beat the hell out of removing staples from the existing upholstery.

Ronnie, after all you have done, the pedestals should be relatively easy for you. Just need a drill, bit, die set, and bit of oil to assist with the process. As you already mentioned, great idea to find a YT video and practice on the donor boat.

I will see if I can find my post from when I did mine a few years back. In hindsight, the only thing I didn’t do/think of when I did my job was to apply a bit of silicone/sealant for each of the boats to stop water intrusion there.

Here is the detailed post
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I'm hoping the Springfield pedestal will be a direct fit with no drilling. I'm curious about the mounting bolts. Just threaded into the fiberglass?
The new pedestal’s mounting points do not match up to the one’s on the oem pedestal. I’ve read numerous times that there is a plate under the fiberglass deck where the captains chair is. This is true for the co-captains seat, I know because I have the chair that converts to a lounger but there is still a plate under the raised area where a standard chair would go. I am all but certain there is a plate where the captains seat goes but I will confirm soon, maybe when I get home from work today.
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Semi related update about the donor hull:
I just spoke to the deputy in charge of the program and made an appointment to bring the hull into a local dump/landfill. They only require that I have the title and my license. They will likely use two loaders with buckets to lift the hull off of the trailer and have me move the trailer while the hull is suspended.

The total cost too me is $0.00 . This is the best news I’ve received in a long time. A little icing on the cake is that I can bring it in on Saturday instead of a weekday so I don’t have to take anytime off of work.

Also someone on the other site offered me $200 plus S&H for the mounting plates between the thrust nozzle and the hull. I’m pretty sure these are glued in place. If I cannot get them off without cutting them out they will be going to the dump with the hull. $200 won’t cover the itching and sore muscles that come with cutting fiberglass.
your tax dollars at work !

other than the fear of not getting the computers to connect to the engine disposing of the hull was next on my list,

so much better than going mid-evil with the sawzall to piece meal it by the curb or paying at the landfill,

I'd think I'd stop for a donut or kolache after that was finished,

your tax dollars at work !

other than the fear of not getting the computers to connect to the engine disposing of the hull was next on my list,

so much better than going mid-evil with the sawzall to piece meal it by the curb or paying at the landfill,

I'd think I'd stop for a donut or kolache after that was finished,

I was prepared to upgrade the size of my garbage can, buy a bunch of blades and wired tools and charge all the batteries for my cordless saws.

although it cost me nothing directly the deputy let me know it’s a state funded program and that the $700 my landfill was going to charge me is still a lot less than what it would cost to properly dispose of the hull if I just abandoned it on the side of the road or worse in the river.
Now you have Pedestal Funds! Yay!
When I got home last night from a long and hard day at work I found that this, my latest boat upgrade had been delivered a day early, thanks to the U.S. post office and &
@Drift Away .

Another thing to do but glad to do it to replace my current two bank charger for the house batteries and single bank charger for the starting battery.
When I got home last night from a long and hard day at work I found that this, my latest boat upgrade had been delivered a day early, thanks to the U.S. post office and &
@Drift Away .

Another thing to do but glad to do it to replace my current two bank charger for the house batteries and single bank charger for the starting battery.
View attachment 195158
Hey i have seen that stuff haha. I got a Couple mantus anchors as well