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Repairing and Overhauling a 2010 242 LS (pic heavy)

Hey i have seen that stuff haha. I got a Couple mantus anchors as well
I have read that mantus anchors are great but I’m sticking with my box anchor since it’s always worked well for me, came with the boat I bought used and I don’t have to spend any money to use it. Thinking about it i need to verify the anchor buddy (bungee cord anchor line) I am using with it is still good, or a $30 line if it fails may cost me $150+.
@VitaminSea , thanks for the link to you post on installing a new seat pedestal. I just bought what I needed from harbor freight and Home Depot, in that order. The only thing I would change if had to do it again would be to go to Home Depot first because they have kit with just a single die and the right size drill bit to go with it. Home Depot also has a gauge with which to determine the nut or bolt you need, just need to bring in a sample.

I considered buying new SS bolts as well but I could not find the right length plus I realized that I should already have 12 more from the donor boat, somewhere on this hardware mess.

I also got quotes for a complete detail of the boat ($350) and for removing and replacing the upholstery skins ($2,300 for everything,$1,800 if I remove the staples). I will probably pay for the detail job but not the upholstery work.

And just like that, the deed was done.

I disposed of the donor hull this morning through a county / state sponsored program. The sherif met me at the recycling center / dump. The rig weighed in at 9140 and out at 7,200. They lifted it off the trailer with two loaders/bill dozers and I pull the trailer out from under it. All this in under 15 minutes and FREE, FREE, 1C8875B1-69E7-4C5F-ADDB-5B326F85C74F.jpegC991282A-2568-4195-AA23-FCBF0DF933C7.jpeg3941048C-3A1B-443B-AC7C-E15AAF32EB4B.jpegFREE!
And just like that, the deed was done.

I disposed of the donor hull this morning through a county / state sponsored program. The sherif met me at the recycling center / dump. The rig weighed in at 9140 and out at 7,200. They lifted it off the trailer with two loaders/bill dozers and I pull the trailer out from under it. All this in under 15 minutes and FREE, FREE, View attachment 195682View attachment 195683View attachment 195684FREE!
Looks like the perfect setup for those two to play “Rocket League” with the hull.
I used the tap once before disposing of the donor hull, not hard at all. It only took me a few minutes to drill and tap a new mounting hole. Going forward I know to use tape to determine how deep I drill. Also use a clear lubricant to improve visibility.
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Here is the latest pic I have of one of the new upholstery skins. Also attached is a pic of the impact graphics (seadek / marine Matt vertically mounted on the side of the hull). Lastly, a few pics off what the boat looks like before I have it detailed in prep for the impact graphics. 1B959A0B-05EC-4E34-A78B-BBBED3773B6C.jpeg
Ronnie what a great job you’ve done! Looks awesome!
I got all geared up to polish the boat. 093B9BFF-1E04-4FEE-8935-05555DAF9E01.jpeg
Here is a sample before (below) and after (above) pic. B9B7F432-F4E1-4BB9-BA97-C880D8860CB5.jpeg
However, I’m running out of time and energy so I decided to pay someone to do this job instead of do it myself. The reality being he is going to do a much better job than I would. Thankfully, right now, I have more money than time.
now I’m thinking of hiring someone to re-skin the cushions. Looking at the pile they make up almost daily is making the decision easier but I wont know until I try to reskin one or two myself. 2E2032BE-749D-4CC5-B676-F5409C560049.jpeg
I love and hate first world problems.


  • 38D6A663-A835-4635-AE00-9E81EB574696.jpeg
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Getting the upgrades, replacement parts and materials ready for installation.
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I got all geared up to polish the boat. View attachment 196488
Here is a sample before (below) and after (above) pic. View attachment 196487
However, I’m running out of time and energy so I decided to pay someone to do this job instead of do it myself. The reality being he is going to do a much better job than I would. Thankfully, right now, I have more money than time.
View attachment 196490
now I’m thinking of hiring someone to re-skin the cushions. Looking at the pile they make up almost daily is making the decision easier but I wont know until I try to reskin one or two myself. View attachment 196495
View attachment 196496
View attachment 196497
I love and hate first world problems.

Your last comment is spot on and you are keeping it real! Whether they are first world problems or not, they are still relative! I’m going to also assume the reason you have more money than time is because you spend so much time making that money, again, totally relative, but it’s still a bit of a vicious circle.

Absolutely nothing wrong with using specialized labor to save time that you don’t want to budget for such things as detailing and re skinning upholstery! You’ve got plenty of sweat equity into your boat already! Let someone who makes their living at such things make it pretty since you re did all the bones !
@Ronnie Are the door guards that you have pictured above for the boat? If so, where are you installing them?
@Ronnie Are the door guards that you have pictured above for the boat? If so, where are you installing them?
Yes the door guards are for the boat. Specifically the leading edge of the anchor locker hatch where the bow ladder exits the hull (which used to chip the hatch edge before I put a lift on the hatch. I had black ones installed before but one fell off and the other had a lot of buildup under it. I’m not sure if I will go black, clear or install them at all this time around. I won’t decide until I get the boat back from my Detailer.
What's the going rate to detail the hull ? I'm looking for someone local but it seems Sacramento is the closest mobile guys.
What's the going rate to detail the hull ? I'm looking for someone local but it seems Sacramento is the closest mobile guys.
My guy mobile and is based in Stockton but may cover the Sacramento area as well. Initially he quoted me $350 which included polishing exterior, cleaning the interior and spraying down and wiping off the scum line and everything below it. The quote increased to $600 because of all the wet sanding needed, especially where decals and the pinstripe was until recently. This may sound like a lot if you haven’t had your boat detailed before but at less than $15 per foot, inside and and out it’s a great deal, $20 per foot seems to be the going rate IMHO. I remember paying $400 just to have the exterior detailed about five years ago. I will share his contact information with you if I’m satisfied with the final result.
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My guy mobile but is based in Stockton but may cover the Sacramento area as well. Initially he quoted me $350 which included polishing exterior, cleaning the interior and spraying down and wiring off the scum line and everything below it. The quote increased to $600 because of all the wet sanding needed, especially where decals and pinstripe was until recently. This may sound like a lot if you haven’t had your boat detailed before but at less than $15 per foot, inside and and out it’s a great deal, $20 per foot seems to be the going rate IMHO. I remember paying $400 just to have the exterior detailed about five years ago. I will share his contact information with you if I’m satisfied with the final result.
Yeah, same thing for me. Black gel coat and recently removed stickers left a bunch of ghosting. Ask if he services Vacaville/Fairfield. Thanks !!
These just got delivered. I felt like I needed to buy something (retail therapy) boat related, so I did. Not really necessary since I already have a lightly used grill and a separate fillet table, both on level locks but I will save space (use less of it) with the magma grill and shelf combination). I think the grill is already pre drilled for the level lock but will know for sure soon enough. BFEBD733-9F6E-45E1-BFA7-08C7185D232D.jpeg
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These just got delivered. I felt like I needed to buy something (retail therapy) boat related, so I did. Not really necessary since I already have a lightly used grill and a separate fillet table, both on level locks but I will save space (use less of it) with the magma grill and shelf combination). I think the grill is already pre drilled for the level lock but will know for sure soon enough. View attachment 196597
I need to get that combo! Well done!

Did you buy direct from Magma?