Don’t know anything about the south east states but move to central California or Southern California and the only time you will see snow is when you want to drive to it, scal residents can boat all year long but it gets too cold in the winter for most here in the sf Bay Area to go recreational boating. Wages and salaries are high, especially in the Silicon Valley area but ...
the cons are costs, costs and more costs. It’s not uncommon to have the highest average cost per gallon of gas in the continental u.s. (I think I paid$3.09 per gallon of 87 octane at shell yesterday). if anything is tax free I don’t know of it and currently pay almost 10% sales tax per transaction in the county I live in, federal and state income taxes, property tax of 1.5%, 1% luxury tax on the boat and I’m sure a few other taxes annually. The tax on gas just went up 12 cents per gallon, 20 cents for diesel. Thinking buying a home? See the screen shot below. Almost forgot about the traffic which for some can be measured in hours per direction not miles traveled. I would say that LA is worse than SF but only because there is more of it/spans a bigger area.
Still I don’t think I’d leave the state, maybe for the same reasons others won’t leave the states they live in now. I grew up here, my friends and family are here, I’m comfortable here. If I was to relocate it would not be to anywhere that I would have to shovel snow to get out of the house or driveway come to think of it Hurricane alley is out as well.
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