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Talk to me about Buffalo, NY

It just beez that wayz sometimez…
Feels like it will be like that by the time you come back from your trip
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Wife says we got another 12 in overnight. Truck still shows a dusting at the airport 10mi away.

Office Manager lives in Eden. She says they have up and are sheltering in place until it stops. Snowblower couldn't keep up.
Gotta love these WNY snow bands. I was thinking of you during the first storm. I could look out my windows and see the snow band, just hovering over your area. Also gotta love the fact, that we are suppose to get rain Sun, Mon, Tuesday lol.
Gotta love these WNY snow bands. I was thinking of you during the first storm. I could look out my windows and see the snow band, just hovering over your area. Also gotta love the fact, that we are suppose to get rain Sun, Mon, Tuesday lol.
Yea, I'm sure the rain is going to just make a mess of everything.

Unfortunately I landed in DC on the way home and found out I'm flying to Vegas on Monday for 3 days. This travel is getting out of hand.

We're driving up to Utica tomorrow for a Polar Express train ride. hoping I-90 is clear all the way over there.
Yea, I'm sure the rain is going to just make a mess of everything.

Unfortunately I landed in DC on the way home and found out I'm flying to Vegas on Monday for 3 days. This travel is getting out of hand.

We're driving up to Utica tomorrow for a Polar Express train ride. hoping I-90 is clear all the way over there.
should be dry roads and clear skies the whole way
I listened...lol closing on the new house should be this week, Central Florida here we come!
You're moving out of West Virginia right?!? Congrats!
I feel your pain, we got hammered early, just before Christmas, I think it was. Luckily, we didn't see all 3" they predicted, and the shovels started up easily. I sent Mrs Snowmower out to take care of it.