The northerners hibernate in the winter. Floridians hibernate in the summer, from late March, through late October. Humidity is so high, that it's like being in a constant sauna. If you are not in the pool, in the lake, in a car: you have to be inside. You take a walk outside, and over-heat easily because the humidity is so high, that the sweat you sweat: just stays on your skin, and your body temp. keeps going up. Very unpleasant to walk in the summer, or do physical activity, unless you do it at dawn, or right before sunset.
Bugs: mosquitoes, cockroaches (from 3 inches long, to 1/2 inch long: all kinds), flies, spiders, snakes in my back yard. All are fairly tolerable, except the mosquitoes, although they spray for them: depending on the rainfall in the summer: they reproduce so fast, one cannot get away from them.
Also after 2-3 years here, you will develop allergies, as we don't get proper freezes, and things are constantly blooming, and creating pollen, mold, and algae: all of which gets caught in your nose, ear canals, and on your body. Sneezing, eye itching, and skin itching are pretty constant.
And I miss a proper four seasons. We get two: coolish (great winters) and very hot. There is not much transition in between. This winter we had one night of upper 20's weather: for about 5 hours, and many plants in my yard died: as we are in the subtropics, and plants are subtropical, and cannot stand that low of a temperature, for the time it was low. Now have to trim, dig out, and re-plant.
If you can: VISIT in the winter (great weather): but you don't want to live here in the late spring, summer, and early fall!!!
I live in Orange County/Orlando, Fl. And have for 40 years. I would move, if I could, but business keeps me in this area. Good luck!
BTW: It's too hot to boat from about early April until about October. Not matter how fast you go, it's still hot and humid, and the boat gets too hot to touch!