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We are booked for June, but anytime in July would be great!
Congrats to Jr on the state champs!
You should have joined me Saturday. Didn't make it out on the lake, but a great day none the less.Thanks @GTBRMC . I want to find a time to do the Chicago Loop where we all can meet up. @buckbuck @JCampbell @Sheboat @Nathan Bryant @Steve & Heidi @Wake08 @RxH2O @pumps and hose
And how did I forget my N. Indiana folks.............. @scot71 , @SpeedlingYou should have joined me Saturday. Didn't make it out on the lake, but a great day none the less.
And congratulations to the team. That is awesome!View attachment 23121 View attachment 23122 View attachment 23123 View attachment 23124
Duh! Silly me....I see its wrapping paper now! It looked like a putter on steroids the first go-round.Its a future trip to the penalty box!!!!!
That was me in the AR210. Hope all is well with your boat. I had a tuff start, I was dealing with a plug issue when you passed me by on Indian slough, I forgot the tow rope for the tube, then coming in, some guy cut right in front of my wife as she approached the dock to land the boat on the trailer. I was warned there was a lot of newbies launching at Orwood so thankfully we were being extra cautious. My rule of thumb for Orwood is to launch early (before the crowd) and come in when it's dark. Most people that aren't familiar with the delta are usually off the water by darkness.@1rjclark , Did you launch before after me ? I saw 210s when i was at or near the marina. I was to flustered to chat around launch time as I had just crashed the phantom at the dock. Had a great shot planned but the phantom had its own plans. I ended the day clearing out the pumps through the clean out ports. Still what a great day on the water. I will try and take a Tuesday off this summer to meet you out there.