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We spent about 5K on a cubify 3d printer at work that could print in 3 colors....It's sitting in the corner...JUNK....We replaced it with a makerbot. It's been having issues too though but not as bad as the cubify. The software that ran it was horrible...It would run the deck up into the print heads and just sit there trying to go higher....It would also require time consuming alignments of the print head after each print. and still only printed about 25% of the jobs right. The glue required (that bottle shown on the first pic) is hard to get just right. Stay away...far far away.
Just a trip to the Naples Botanical Gardens. They have different things throughout the year like Christmas lights, Lego structures/people etc.
@Murf'n'surf .. KEWL photo !
Is that YOUR backyard ?
If so, I wanna come "play" back there .. LOL !
Really nice photo, however !
Best Wishes, Mikey Lulejian - Fryin' @ 92 degrees or hotter on Lake Oconee, GA
1 of the Neatest and Nicest weddings Barbie & I've been to in years !@
Last night, 90 degrees, light breeze, in the country. BUT !! All about Love, and Friendships !

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20150613_164239.jpg Wedding setup I didfireworks at last night. Thought the centerpieces were smart because they were tall enough to talk to people across the table and weren't in the way of food!
I was at San jose airport and saw this, modern art, the biggest (non operational, I hope) drone / flying camera I've ever seen.

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Emma driving us to dinner.

This is a funny pic of my daughter after the monster storm blew through. We were completely drenched so there was no use getting out of the rain and at this point the rain kind of felt warm. What you can't see is the toll bridge directly to the aft of the boat maybe 1 mile away. image.jpg
Another pic after the storm looking towards Westlake Park. image.jpg