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I let my brother reel this in so I can't claim bragging rights but it was thrilling just being there.

The short story is that it took 1 hour and 45 minutes to land this Marlin in the Sea of Cortez earlier today, 9 feet long and about 180 lbs.

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Found where the Google Street View guy lives in Fort Walton Beach.

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not even fair.. i am in a giant lighting storm.. power keeps blinking and then you post this!!
Funny! That same weather just stopped here
So...how were the swordfish steaks? Nice fish btw!
I am having thoughts of renewing my fly fishing skills and chasing a trout in the mountain streams in the near future!
And another thing... @Murf'n'surf 61 pages??? What are you trying to do, pass my boat naming threads? lol
And another thing... @Murf'n'surf 61 pages??? What are you trying to do, pass my boat naming threads? lol
Lol! I might pass it until next year when you sell Blue Yonder and start the name game all over!
image.jpg image.jpg Unfortunately I saw this today, that's my truck smashed into my trailer smashed into my wife's Tahoe:-/. Everyone is fine, I'll start a new thread about it.
Darius Rucker concert front row in the pit with my daughter and her friend!
One with my daughter and her friend. They loooooove Brett Eldridge!image.jpg
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When we are not on the lake this is our other summer activity.
Son Michael getting ready for his first race of the day.
Awesome. Somebody has done a little rubbin....LOL

Surprises me that the fuel tank isn't required to be a fuel cell right there between his legs.