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@craigm i love to get out on the track too. For me and my karting buddies, it's a fall through spring kind of thing. That track looks awesome just from that one pic, I wish we had tracks that nice out here.
Wanna go flyin ?

I'd love too but am waiting on a gimbal part the last time I went flying.

Is that the advanced or professional edition of the dji phantom 3? Either way, nice!

Incidentally, I'm on vacation in cabo and just missed it when another resort member calibrated his dji p1 and got it airborne before it was immediately hit by a strong gust of wind which slammed it into the side of building causing the resorts maintenance crew to come out to retrieve the wreck (between buildings in an area not accessible to guests) and security to come out and seemingly make up a "no quadcopter rule" on the spot. Thanks buddy, not that I'd bring one on my vacation across the border but this is the kind of thing that is bad for the hobby/industry generally.
No comment necessary ............ LOL !~
Car this week - X1.jpg
@craigm i love to get out on the track too. For me and my karting buddies, it's a fall through spring kind of thing. That track looks awesome just from that one pic, I wish we had tracks that nice out here.
Yes the track is nice.
I built it with two friends in 2001 and sold my shares in 2010. Now we just club race. Get about 70 on a race day.
Here is a nice shot from last summer.image.jpg
She is home, ready and waiting to be used (finally) tomorrow:

Result from storm that wrecked Hidden Cove. Saw this today when we cruised over there. image.jpg
@craigm i love to get out on the track too. For me and my karting buddies, it's a fall through spring kind of thing. That track looks awesome just from that one pic, I wish we had tracks that nice out here.
You guys ever seen that show Cart Life on TV? It's a reality show that follows young cart racers and all the momma drama that goes with it!!
Yes the track is nice.
I built it with two friends in 2001 and sold my shares in 2010. Now we just club race. Get about 70 on a race day.
Here is a nice shot from last summer.View attachment 23939
That's awesome, I get so jealous when I see tracks like that on the Internet. Thanks for the pics. Here's one of mine with my buddies. image.jpg
You guys ever seen that show Cart Life on TV? It's a reality show that follows young cart racers and all the momma drama that goes with it!!
Yep. I've seen it. I love watching those kids race. But man, it was very cringe worthy at times with all of the family drama.
When I was in Bahrain in June, we went to the F1 track and did their Karting. It was a blast...expensive though....basically about 100.00 for 2 - 15 minute sessions. I wish I had video of the first turn, Cold tires + adrenaline rush....spun it real quick.

http://www.bahrain-karting.com/tracks/Club Track/

Oh, and it was 105 degrees...Yeah, I did some sweating.
Sunrise in Cabo on my last morning here. Thankfully Im taking tomorrow (Monday) off but going back to work on Tuesday after a week on vacation here is going to suck, big time. Still I'd rather be bummed about ending a vacation than not having one at all.

Spent the whole day (8am to 7pm) canoeing on the Cape Fear river....lots of fun...but man my back aches today and now I have to clean up after the major storm that clobbered our neighborhood Friday night!


Huge Sycamore tree down...missed the shed though!image.jpg

Caitlin's Tree Swing....snapped.

Flag ripped off the house!
Finally representing at the slip. Maybe that yammi across the way will join! image.jpg
@Emma and her fresh picked cucumber platter.

Only in South Florida do you find earthworms that climbed 10 feet straight up. You know it's the rainy season when you see this!
The worm is sitting on top of my screen enclosure.
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