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Show us what you see!!!

My daughter took this pic. She laughs every time we walk by. The road continues further down and tees off to go both directions around the boat slips. image.jpg
1434563048677.jpgRedneck Riviera all to myself.
For the techies, this was sad to see last night. We had started the forum with Ubuntu 13.10 which is no longer supported. We are now running on a new server with 14.04 LTS which is supported until April of 2019 and with more storage for the same cost. I decided it was safer to build a new server instance than to try to upgrade the old.

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@geiger41 , good old Dora the explorer and her magic back pack, "ayudemae, ayudemae". I second what @GTBRMC stated, live it, live it all, even Dora, that damn purple dinosaur, the wiggles, teletubies, etc.
Swiper is a fox. When Dora inevitably frustrates him, he always exclaims, " Oh, man!"

Come on, get with the program!

@geiger41 - I don't have pics, but I went off of what @sysinu did in the thread I linked. It really is great - folds up into a duffle bag, goes on easily while floating in a bay, and maximizes space. Stayed on it just the other night again - highly suggest it, as long as you don't want something you can drive with. https://jetboaters.net/threads/over-the-tower-cover-for-a-242ls.2785/

I didn't see your (previous) post in here until now. That looks great, did you make it or have it made? Which ever, they did a great job from the looks of it!
I missed my opportunity to take a picture and post it... but I just saw QTY 2 A380's almost back to back on the taxiway at IAH! Wonder what those 8 jets would do when attached to a boat!
I missed my opportunity to take a picture and post it... but I just saw QTY 2 A380's almost back to back on the taxiway at IAH! Wonder what those 8 jets would do when attached to a boat!
My boy and i are large aviation fans... I cant imagine what it would look like to see one of those monsters in person.
I didn't see your (previous) post in here until now. That looks great, did you make it or have it made? Which ever, they did a great job from the looks of it!
I had it made by the local shop. I emailed them all of the pics you posted and then handed him the message you had replied to after you had it made. They did a nice job on it and I was happy with the price for the amount of fabric and work - ~$1,800. Thanks for coming up with the Gr8 design!
Sunset at Disney World. Day one:):thumbsup:14346737434321675115432.jpg