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Show us your tow rigs!

Nice looking truck.
I know the 2020 Ford Explorer is going back to RWD. With this maybe the tow ratings will go up.
I know the 2020 Ford Explorer is going back to RWD. With this maybe the tow ratings will go up.
The "slippery ramp" tow rating will however go down. Just something to consider...

The "slippery ramp" tow rating will however go down. Just something to consider...

Still be looking at 4wd, just stating they are ditching FWD and going to RWD. Which is great as I can’t stand FWD vehicles, I grew up with RWD.
Still be looking at 4wd, just stating they are ditching FWD and going to RWD. Which is great as I can’t stand FWD vehicles, I grew up with RWD.

Interesting, didn't know they were going back to rwd do love the explorer, great all around vehicle. Mine was AWD and it was very comfortable to drive. All around great vehicle.
2018 F150, handles everything I throw at it.

One feature I didn't really want, but now use all the time is the backup assist. Grew up.on a farm so backing up trailers is nothing new to me, but for the trip down a long ramp or for wiggling the boat into a tight spot, it now makes the job even easier!

2018 F150, handles everything I throw at it.

One feature I didn't really want, but now use all the time is the backup assist. Grew up.on a farm so backing up trailers is nothing new to me, but for the trip down a long ramp or for wiggling the boat into a tight spot, it now makes the job even easier!

View attachment 82260
I still have not used that option, I keep thinking about it but I never take the time.
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Heavy duty tow rig to haul it over the mountains.

Medium duty to haul to the ramp. The Jeep lives at the river with the boat.

Light duty waverunner towing
Won’t have the boat behind it until fall. But finally upgraded from the hoe! Love it so far.

I like your Hangtyte DIY, too!!

Is that the strings on the cover? I had a giant pvc structure i used before i had a cover. My awning leaks a tiny bit so i figured I'd try just my strings out the vent holes.
Is that the strings on the cover? I had a giant pvc structure i used before i had a cover. My awning leaks a tiny bit so i figured I'd try just my strings out the vent holes.
Yeah, that's the idea! Very clever to use those vents for attachments. Wouldn't work on mine as they are right over the windshield (I looked, lol).
