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Show us your tow rigs!

Man, that's an interesting looking boat. What is that?

Also, I had a Nissan Pickup back in the late '90's. Put lockers in it front and rear and a decent set of tires on it, and it would have damn near climbed a tree if I asked it to. Wouldn't get out of it's own way with a 4cyl/5spd in a extended cab 4x4 setup, but ran great for the time I had it.
Man, that's an interesting looking boat. What is that?

Also, I had a Nissan Pickup back in the late '90's. Put lockers in it front and rear and a decent set of tires on it, and it would have damn near climbed a tree if I asked it to. Wouldn't get out of it's own way with a 4cyl/5spd in a extended cab 4x4 setup, but ran great for the time I had it.

it's KinkFisher 1775 Extrem Duty jet boat and my Frontier Nissan is Wonderful for my used, and will remplace soon by a TESLA CYBERTRUCK
I think I already post this pic before but I am sitting here waiting for the network to come back on line at work, so decided to post again. And its also a fall pic.
I love GMC/Chevy my dad retired from there, was a quality eng for Silverado/Sierra for 33 years. Been brain washed my whole life on the Bowtie.? My dad did lov,e his Yamaha Vmax 600 snowmobiles, he/we had 4 of them at one time.
Old Yamaha owners and sailors never die...they just get a little dinghy. The new to us tow rig.



The old 06 2500 duramax tow rig has terminal cancer, she will be put out to pasture aka salt/sand spreader duty on the farm roads during Winter.

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zipper, nice looking truck. :winkingthumbsup"

Did you order the ARE cap? Last Fall, mine took about 12 weeks for delivery.

5.3 or the 6.2 in it?

5.3, drives better/smoother than our 2011 5.3 did. Love leather, sun roof, heated and cooled seats and all the other distractions on the displays that the 06 did not have. That's the dinghy side of me.
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5.3, drives better/smoother than our 2011 5.3 did. Love leather, sun roof, heated and cooled seats and all the other distractions on the displays that the 06 did not have. That's the dinghy side of me.
Guessing that is a '14 or '15 based on the round fog lights.y '15 Sierra SLT treated me very well for the 70k-ish miles I had it. Hope this one treats you equally!
Guessing that is a '14 or '15 based on the round fog lights.y '15 Sierra SLT treated me very well for the 70k-ish miles I had it. Hope this one treats you equally!

Good eye...2015, around 50k miles. One previous owner.
This tow vehicle has had a hard last 5 days. Hauled some hay home, brought 1/2 the cattle herd back home from pasture, hit 95k miles & now hooked up ready to take the boat to the Mississippi River.
This tow vehicle has had a hard last 5 days. Hauled some hay home, brought 1/2 the cattle herd back home from pasture, hit 95k miles & now hooked up ready to take the boat to the Mississippi River.
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Do you regret switching from a diesel rig? I love having my Cummins, even if I'm not towing anything. When I am towing I love it even more.