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@0627Devildog setup is probably more secure then mine, I just run a rope from the center where the tube rope would go and under the bag, then tie back to the tower.
I love it so far! Very quiet compared to my old boat. We are stereo people so I will be upgrading the entire stereo but the stock stereo isn't bad. Decent on fuel and the drive control is awesome!
@0627Devildog setup is probably more secure then mine, I just run a rope from the center where the tube rope would go and under the bag, then tie back to the tower.
I have an 8oolb bag on my swim deck and I use these wedges under the bag with no straps or rope holding it. Ideally you want to double them up - I currently only have one set and so I'm placing a life vest on top of each wedge to get a steep enough angle to keep the bag from moving.

I love it so far! Very quiet compared to my old boat. We are stereo people so I will be upgrading the entire stereo but the stock stereo isn't bad. Decent on fuel and the drive control is awesome!

May buy your old speakers when you do. . . . PM me when ready to let em go. (Unless I upgrade to a new 242XE by then. . . . :happy:)
Great idea!!!

I like the ingenuity here. . . . But I would recommend tying it off regardless.

Additionally, for bags on the swim deck, if you purge all the air and they fall off. . . . They WILL sink. I leave a pocket of air in both swim deck bags just in case.
So this is a pic of the 2018 FSH - but what is up with that ride plate/intake grate? Mine doesn't look like that? Almost looks Power Wedge-ish, but I suppose it is just a top-loader?? (This was the first direct pump pic I've seen of the 2018's) I'm trying to confirm that SurfPointe is just a toe-in??

I have an 8oolb bag on my swim deck and I use these wedges under the bag with no straps or rope holding it. Ideally you want to double them up - I currently only have one set and so I'm placing a life vest on top of each wedge to get a steep enough angle to keep the bag from moving.

I hear this one works very well:
And here are matching straps (for the bag):

Oh yeah!! recovery is real easy and fast.

The ski locker is filled 75%, rear starboard bag 25% iin the video but I run 50% now, port bag is at 100% in the video but I jumper the pump and I get it all of the way full now. 750 on top of the port seat, 550 on the back swim deck along with the 200 lbs of lead bags.
were on swim deck, lower or upper or some on each, thanks
We do the 750 on port side and 400 on bottom swim deck. Best so far but always looking for better combo
FB_IMG_1504313769712.jpg Asked a dealer commenting on FB to give us a pic of the Surf Pointe jets. Not sure I'm seeing anything obvious from this point of view...
A dealer posted on the Jetboaters Facebook said they will offer a kit of some sort.
