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I have the same boat. Loving it but struggling to create a decent wave so this info is priceless. Thank you. I am also curious how you are securing the bag on the back and I assume you are filling it with an auxillary pump? What kind?
Any other modifications?

I really like how you do that John!! I might have to see if I can rig up something like this. Way more secure.
I really like how you do that John!! I might have to see if I can rig up something like this. Way more secure.

If I can ever get my custom bag off the ground, you wont have to. . . . .
Won't comment on the Surfpointe video, it was just horrible. Oops, guess I commented on it ...

@Rod5 with your nozzles toed-in, do the two jet trails intersect at some point behind the boat that you can actually see, or is the change much more subtle than that? Several of us have tested surfgate-style delayed convergence, but it does not work with our boats to the intrinsic "yaw" stability of either the hull design or the dual jets. Curious, if the two jet trails intersect then that might potentially reduce the "yaw" stability of dual jets, and open the door for the surfgate-style devices. Just a thought ...
Won't comment on the Surfpointe video, it was just horrible. Oops, guess I commented on it ...

@Rod5 with your nozzles toed-in, do the two jet trails intersect at some point behind the boat that you can actually see, or is the change much more subtle than that? Several of us have tested surfgate-style delayed convergence, but it does not work with our boats to the intrinsic "yaw" stability of either the hull design or the dual jets. Curious, if the two jet trails intersect then that might potentially reduce the "yaw" stability of dual jets, and open the door for the surfgate-style devices. Just a thought ...

So I did not get a picture. . . .(though I will this weekend) . . . . But I saw the nozzles on a 18' 242XE. There were 2 boats side by side and on each the starboard nozzle was angled inward noticeably then the port side. I obviously have to get a closer look and take some pictures for reference. However I thought this was a bit odd. Maybe they just need to be adjusted from the dealer before delivery and are out of whack from shipment . . . .
Won't comment on the Surfpointe video, it was just horrible. Oops, guess I commented on it ...

@Rod5 with your nozzles toed-in, do the two jet trails intersect at some point behind the boat that you can actually see, or is the change much more subtle than that? Several of us have tested surfgate-style delayed convergence, but it does not work with our boats to the intrinsic "yaw" stability of either the hull design or the dual jets. Curious, if the two jet trails intersect then that might potentially reduce the "yaw" stability of dual jets, and open the door for the surfgate-style devices. Just a thought ...
Yes you can see the two jet trails start to form a v when on plane. However at surf spread the wake is too close to notice. My guess is the surfpoint setup has more toein than my two test adjustments I mention earlier. It's a very simple 15 minute change I encourage you and anyone interested to give it a try and see what you think.
I tried the delayed convergence idea a few times, tested multiple setup ideas in the past two years, unfortunately based on my experience the toein is not enough to make any difference for the delayed convergence approach. It does seem to help when combined with lots of ballast and yes we saw improvement both with or without the wedge.
So I did not get a picture. . . .(though I will this weekend) . . . . But I saw the nozzles on a 18' 242XE. There were 2 boats side by side and on each the starboard nozzle was angled inward noticeably then the port side. I obviously have to get a closer look and take some pictures for reference. However I thought this was a bit odd. Maybe they just need to be adjusted from the dealer before delivery and are out of whack from shipment . . . .

Took me a little longer than I thought to get a direct pic of the "surfpointe" nozzles. Far as I can tell they are just aimed inward. 20171007_120702.jpg 20171007_120656.jpg
Are those Surfpoint nozzles different part number than regular?


Good question. . . . . I was thinking that after I posted them. How can we find out. . . . is the 2018 parts list out yet?
It would interesting to get measurement between the nozzles to get an idea as to how much toe in there is. Gap between the two...
2018 242X jet nozzle part number:

Nozzle, Deflector


2017 242X jet nozzle part number:

Nozzle, Deflector


2018 212 limited jet nozzle party number:

Nozzle, Deflector


I am willing to bet that they are the same nozzle.
Last edited:
2018 242X jet nozzle part number:

Nozzle, Deflector


2017 242X jet nozzle part number:

Nozzle, Deflector


New one is almost $100 less. . . . . . . Hmmm.

It will be REALLY interesting to see how the Wake Wedge will work on these surfpointe equipped boats. . . . . With one deflected downward (via wake wedge), and the other nozzle pointed at the wave it will be interesting to see that that does.
New one is almost $100 less. . . . . . . Hmmm.

It will be REALLY interesting to see how the Wake Wedge will work on these surfpointe equipped boats. . . . . With one deflected downward (via wake wedge), and the other nozzle pointed at the wave it will be interesting to see that that does.
Hurry up and buy one so we can fly up and test it on your new boat. LOL
Hurry up and buy one so we can fly up and test it on your new boat. LOL

Im not buying shit, til they can prove the wave is better than mine. . . . .
Im not buying shit, til they can prove the wave is better than mine. . . . .
Good point.

On that note, I'm considering an upgrade to an AR230. :D

Took me a little longer than I thought to get a direct pic of the "surfpointe" nozzles. Far as I can tell they are just aimed inward. View attachment 65005 View attachment 65006
That crooked ass sticker throws me off, that’d be the first sticker to come off if it was mine!

“You want how much for this boat? And you can’t even get the dang sticker straight?”:-)
That crooked ass sticker throws me off, that’d be the first sticker to come off if it was mine!

“You want how much for this boat? And you can’t even get the dang sticker straight?”:)
SO glad I'm not the only one here with those exact thoughts!!!!

2018 242X jet nozzle part number:

Nozzle, Deflector


2017 242X jet nozzle part number:

Nozzle, Deflector


2018 212 limited jet nozzle party number:

Nozzle, Deflector


I am willing to bet that they are the same nozzle.
If there is no Strb and Port version - must be just the cable adjustment, right?
Otherwise at $120 I might take the risk... But I've been staring at those pics for few minutes and can not figure it out...

Hey, thanks for the post on how you're securing the bags BTW! Much appreciated!