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This just hurt my brain. . . .

"Toe in" on jets = jet streams "pointed in" towards each other (in the context of this thread)

Guess I just still need to get used to "jet talk". Problem is another thread was talking about toe-out fins meaning the leading edge of the fins are pointed out (like a vehicle). Anyway guess it will just be a case of deduction by context. However, I'm thinking I maybe don't want a jet boat mechanic doing the alignment on my vehicles or ATVs. :D:D:D:D
Cool! On a side note ridesteady is pretty awesome huh? Just installed it on mine.

I have. I have an '16 AR240 with ballast. I would fill the port side and locker bags, have everyone on board sit on the port side and perform a gradual turn to port, then back the throttle off on the port side to help clean things up a bit... it worked to a degree... and I was able to go ropeless. I've added the wake wedge this season so it shouldn't be as necessary.

The one downside is it didn't seem to work with the Ridesteady. You can go into the settings and turn off the engine sync, but it was begging the port side for more throttle when my wife did it. I didn't get the chance to pilot it and test the theory myself last season, my wife was very pregnant and so I was lacking half my surf team and our season was short as a result... Justin with Ridesteady thought it should work in theory but I've not proven it for certain.
Cool! On a side note ridesteady is pretty awesome huh? Just installed it on mine.
It's absolutely awesome! This is my 2nd season with it and I've enjoyed the boat and watersports so much more since adding it. One of the best mods available for the non E-series boats.
So @Rod5 If I understand you correctly, you placed a straightedge across the two nozzles and adjusted so the nozzles pointed toward each other with a 1/2" gap on each one. Correct? Would it be possible to dumb it down for me with a picture?
So @Rod5 If I understand you correctly, you placed a straightedge across the two nozzles and adjusted so the nozzles pointed toward each other with a 1/2" gap on each one. Correct? Would it be possible to dumb it down for me with a picture?
I’ll look for a pic or two but boat is now at a Marina. Measure the distance between the nozzles. Then adjust the right side in 4 turns inward and the left side in 4 turns inward will give you about a half inch toe in. 8 turns each side is about one inch tow in, but there will be less than half the threads in the right side connector and look like a potential fail point to me. Also the steering stops were nonexistent so the cables flexd terribly when turning all the way either direction at 8 turns. 4 turns still does a tinny bit but seems ok so far. My write up on all this starts at the top of page 3 of this thread more on page 4 or 5.
Has anyone tried using different rpm's for each engine while surfing? I was out yesterday playing around on my stock 242 limited S and was running the starboard engine hard compared to the port engine around 10-12 mph. This naturally makes the boat want to track to the left, so you have to turn steering slightly to the right to offset. This directs some of the jet wash away from the port side. Just curious if anyone has played around with their set ups using this method.
I do this all the time, back off on the surf side jet to help minimize the washout of the wake face. I also use a large boat fender clipped between the tie down loop and the ladder to direct the jet wash down.
I do this all the time, back off on the surf side jet to help minimize the washout of the wake face. I also use a large boat fender clipped between the tie down loop and the ladder to direct the jet wash down.

@Scuba_ref - I was thinking about trying a fender to clean up the jet wash as well. Any pics of your setup? What size fender? I was thinking about trying a 12x34 with the hole through the middle, assuming it would be easier to adjust its position.
The one downside is it didn't seem to work with the Ridesteady. You can go into the settings and turn off the engine sync, but it was begging the port side for more throttle when my wife did it. I didn't get the chance to pilot it and test the theory myself last season, my wife was very pregnant and so I was lacking half my surf team and our season was short as a result... Justin with Ridesteady thought it should work in theory but I've not proven it for certain.

@J-RAD If your Ridesteady was whining to give it more throttle, it means that it was using the max throttle available to it (or close to it) to maintain the set speed (if it even had enough throttle to maintain the set speed). It won't hurt anything to not give it more throttle, but it may not have enough to maintain the set speed. Hope that helps!
@Cobra Jet Steering LLC I was wondering if there were any potential issues using your steering enhancement system with the new surfpointe boats? I am only asking because if the jets do not point straight and from what I can tell from the install photos the steering fins follow the jet nozzles so in theory they my not track straight or put additional forces on the steering system from the potentially angled fins even with the wheel straight?

The magnum A K system is adjustable so if you are planning on using this with the surf point you would be setting the fins up on the 3rd or fourth setting rather than the first or second setting Also having the nozzles angled for surf point will place a lot of extra stress on the steering cables because the force of the jet traveling through the nozzles will always try to straighten the nozzles so having a second tie rod interconnected between the nozzles will be a lot of help as those will handle the added stress holding the nozzles in the proper position while relieving the pressure on the steering cables.
CAB12127-3D83-4DDF-8AD2-860B65C25889.png 899CC017-BA57-40A0-BB44-6C7BBB0D9A2B.jpeg Update: Here is the measurement comparison between stock pre-surfpointe at 19.5 inches and the 2018 surfpoint at 18 inches. As you can see the nozzles are pointer a whole inch and a half closer to each other. My DIY adjustments mimicking only got them a half inch closer at 19 inches. I suppose the new nozzles could be shaped differently with built in offsets.
Quick follow up:
We all know our setups have a lot of variables and can be sensitive to small adjustments, # of passengers, where they sit, ballast bag placement, wedge adjustments, even fule loads, etc.
That said today was by far the biggest most surfable wake we've ever created on our boat in two seasons on both the port side or goofy. The only change was 1/2 inch toe in on the nozzles vs 1 inch toe in from yesterday. Steering and handling are 99% back to normal and totally acceptable.

Definitely worth trying, easy to do and is free. I ended up at 4 full turns on each nozzel linkage connector to produce a half inch toe in.

For those of you that want to know, today's setup: center ski locker bag 60 to 80%, rear bags 100% on surf side 65% non surf side, 800 lb sack center of swim platform, 550 lb bag on floor in cockpit (on top of gas tank hatch), wedge, and 3 college kid passengers. 2 of us are goofy 2 standard so we have wedges for both sides and the extra bags are centered, passengers ride on surf side.
I'm leaving the half inch toe in as is, and will be curious to see the 2018 setups when they arrive at the dealers.

How's this mod holding up over time? Still getting the results you wanted?
Its a modest gain (10% maybe) and I've been running the mod since last September when the whole Surfpointe concept was put out there. I just put it back to stock for the July Bimini trip so sometime after the trip we'll see what the difference is running it back to stock. But as I'm sure you can imagine, these will not be back to back changes to easily see/feel the change but rather they will be weeks apart and so many other variables at play.
Its a modest gain (10% maybe) and I've been running the mod since last September when the whole Surfpointe concept was put out there. I just put it back to stock for the July Bimini trip so sometime after the trip we'll see what the difference is running it back to stock. But as I'm sure you can imagine, these will not be back to back changes to easily see/feel the change but rather they will be weeks apart and so many other variables at play.

Appreciate the promt response. . . and the honesty.
View attachment 77415 View attachment 77414 Update: Here is the measurement comparison between stock pre-surfpointe at 19.5 inches and the 2018 surfpoint at 18 inches. As you can see the nozzles are pointer a whole inch and a half closer to each other. My DIY adjustments mimicking only got them a half inch closer at 19 inches. I suppose the new nozzles could be shaped differently with built in offsets.

Looking online, 2018 242X does have a different part number for its jet nozzle and tie rods than listed for a 2018 242 LS or 2017 242x (both the same). $129/ea for the ‘18 242x nozzles.
Looking online, 2018 242X does have a different part number for its jet nozzle and tie rods than listed for a 2018 242 LS or 2017 242x (both the same). $129/ea for the ‘18 242x nozzles.
Awesome!! Get'm and tell us what you think!! ;)
@Scuba_ref - I was thinking about trying a fender to clean up the jet wash as well. Any pics of your setup? What size fender? I was thinking about trying a 12x34 with the hole through the middle, assuming it would be easier to adjust its position.
Did you ever try the fender? Did it work? Wanting something to try until I determine which wedge to go with. Have a 2018 242x, but still not satisfied with the wave face.
Did you ever try the fender? Did it work? Wanting something to try until I determine which wedge to go with. Have a 2018 242x, but still not satisfied with the wave face.
I used the fender all last year. I was trying to find this question to respond. 8 inch fender by 30 inches I think. Just covers the top of the jet nozzle redirecting the thrust downward.


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