@tabbibus @swatski any other with input.
I have attached my test results. Do I have a "positive T-Detect result "?
If this was your report would you still recommend a vaccine? and why? Not trying to put anyone on the spot. Just collecting information to determine my direction and what my family should discuss.
Perhaps others who have had Covid could benefit from this conversation.
I think this is a healthy discussion. Apologies for my last post, it was posted as I was driving home, I edited it.
Looks like you had a positive result in a LabCorp /Diasorin Liaison test, which is one of 3-4 major providers of serological covid tests in US, among dozens. It's not a bad test, but it has a 2-3% rate of false positives, pretty much industry standard, and more like 10% false negative rate.
Without getting into intricacies of test validation, I would not make vaccination decisions based on the results of any serological tests (detecting antibodies), there are just too many caveats. Those tests have their place. But a positive result does not mean an individual is immunized.
If you have ever tested positive by a RT-PCR test, that would be considered a proof of active infection; still not a proof of immunity, albeit it could be implied as re-infection rates appear to be very low. T-Detect is newer and not yet widely known, I doubt you have had it done, yet.
T-Detect is an entirely different animal, instead of analyzing antibodies in blood serum like all serological tests or looking for evidence of viral nucleic acids like RT-PCR tests, T-Detect interrogates the DNA of cells that produce antibodies to neutralize virus (or cells that make other cells produce them, to be exact, but no need to get too specific). One could think of it as analyzing the matrix for producing antibodies (DNA code inside cells), rather than antibodies themselves (floating in the serum).
The T-Detect test is far from perfect but for various reasons it is extremely good at actually predicting "immunity" to covid. The people of Adaptive who invented it are elite cancer, and now covid, scientists supported by one of the Microsoft AI gurus.
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