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The Vaccine

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Just prefacing that I contracted COVID about a year ago. I received the first Moderna shot on Tuesday. Wow, it really knocked me out for about 36 hours. Chills, fever and fatigue. Anyway, it's over today and I'm glad I got it. If you already had COVID I hear your best bet is getting the J&J shot.
I got my second shot (Moderna) two weeks ago this Friday and felt like crap the next day but Sunday was all good. My wife works at Children's Hospital in Minnesota so she had both of her shots completed in mid January. I'm wasn't that concerned about COVID but I do know some people in my age group that have passed away or ended up in the hospital for a significant amount of time.

As far as individuals that are worried about what is being injected or if you are now being tracked......
1. Think about anything you have put in your body over your life (Speed, Pt, Booze, processed foods, etc.) and you're still here to talk about the unknowns. My mom was big on not knowing what the shot contained and I simply told her, "Mom, you were at Woodstock, pretty sure you put worse in your body..."

2. If you have a smartphone, you are already being tracked.
@Mully262 not directed to you at all, but as someone with a decent analytical background I would like to say people need to be VERY careful how they interpret data.
That was what I was hinting at. The data presented in the chart is deceiving and not holistic.
While I totally understand the need for the vaccine for certain individuals, I am going to choose not to get it. I am younger and the one and only time I got a flu vaccine (14 yrs ago), I was so sick that winter and missed a ton of work. Maybe a coincidence? I have no idea. I have yet to be sick since that time.

There are some other reasons why I am not choosing to get it but my hope is that I just naturally build immunity to it rather than through a vaccine.

My parents are vaccinated and they had mild issues with both shots.
One and done. I will let you know how it was later.


I have never had a flu shot in all my years and am leary of doctors pushing drugs from drug companies. Self medication, no opioids, has got me this far. At this point in my life, the only doctor I trust is Dr. Swat and I have not even met him.
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I never had a thought of not getting it. I had a bad case of Covid back in Dec. 2 days into my Covid journey I leaned that one of my good friends and colleague who was in his early 50's maybe 52 passed away after 16 days on a ventilator. He was healthy, fit, and had no underlying health issues. That put me in a very negative mid set for the rest of my Covid battle. At one point when it went into my chest I would go to bed at night thinking, is tomorrow the day I go on the ventilator? I really started thinking I was going to die...

Fast forward to the vaccine being available.....sign me up bro! Not even a second thought. Cheap insurance. When I hear young people say, meh....I'm young, I'm not going to worry about it, is like saying.....meh, I'm not wearing my seatbelt, I'm only going down the road to my friends house and won't be driving over 30 mph.
Second shot of Moderna 8 days ago. Had mild symptoms the day after, chills, body aches, headache, etc. Couldn't sleep, but felt fine the next day. I am so pumped to be vaccinated. Makes me a bit less worried around all the people in the grocery store with a mask around their chins. :)
Getting vaccine Saturday....can't wait. Simple way to support humanity!
I’m 40 and wife 38 we have no plans to get it unless forced to for travel
Well... I guess... thank you for sharing your disdain for public health, efforts to stop transmission of an infectious virus causing unprecedented disruption of our lives.

I won't get it and cannot wait for the lawsuits to start when people are "forced" to get a vaccine. Hell, I might file a few myself. F'ing tyrants.
These kinds of posts make me genuinely curious.
For example, are you against vaccinations in general?
Most schools require kids' vaccinations, do you find it objectionable?
There are many reasons people may not, or should not, get vaccinated. I never knew that's also about fighting tyrants. ?

I won't get it and cannot wait for the lawsuits to start when people are "forced" to get a vaccine. Hell, I might file a few myself. F'ing tyrants.

Who are the tyrants? Has anyone said you will have to get vaccinated?
I'm fully vaccinated with no issues except a sore arm. Now When it comes to mask and social distancing I'm Mr Minimum, only when I absolutely have to wear it. When everyone who wants the vaccine gets it, it's time take off all restrictions. If people want their immunity the old fashion way, fine with me. Heck some people still like vinyl records .
I'm fully vaccinated with no issues except a sore arm. Now When it comes to mask and social distancing I'm Mr Minimum, only when I absolutely have to wear it. When everyone who wants the vaccine gets it, it's time take off all restrictions. If people want their immunity the old fashion way, fine with me. Heck some people still like vinyl records .

Wait a minute...I still like vinyl records, lol. And I recieved my J&J shot yesterday. With absolutly no adverse reactions to this point at all, not even a sore arm. To each their own. I dislike wearing a mask in every business it visit and the airgasm I get when I leave. I just look forward to having non household family members, friends, on the boat for drinks, fireworks and an occasional evening sunset sail. I know, could'a done it last year but was'nt sure of the risk.
A couple of my old favorites...

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Who are the tyrants? Has anyone said you will have to get vaccinated?
There are some situations where vaccines are required - the primary one is school. That said, no school I'm aware of has ever made the flu shot a requirement. But what happens if Covid becomes more deadly and we need booster shots (or variant shots) every year? Do we make it a requirement?

Also, many countries/airlines etc are talking about not allowing people in/on if they don't have a vaccine "passport". Makes sense to me, but there are plenty of people who don't believe in science, are afraid etc that feel like this is infringing on their rights.

It is an interesting moral debate. The rights of the many vs individual rights.

Please lets keep the discussion Civil. No personal attacks. Thanks!
I won't get it and cannot wait for the lawsuits to start when people are "forced" to get a vaccine. Hell, I might file a few myself. F'ing tyrants.

There will be no lawsuits. Part of the accelerated deployment process included blanket immunity for the pharmaceutical companies. That gave me some serious concerns about jumping on the vaccination train. But I am getting dose #2 today, so I guess I got over it. But to each there own. Risk mitigation one way or the other.
Swatski: First off, you are awesome on this site. I swear you always are one of the first guys to chime in and I am not sure you haven't chimed in on every post I have ever made over the last year or so. Can't thank you enough for that and for the help you give others.

Second. I will try and answer your question but it really only refers to me so I am not speaking for anyone but myself. I am hesitant to do the vaccine based on a couple things....The one and only time I got a flu vaccine, I was miserable. Not for just a day but that entire winter I struggled. I never struggled prior to that winter and I have never struggled since. I guess that makes me a bit gun-shy to do another vaccine. Another reason I am hesitant is that I am worried about long term effects which have yet to be even studied because this vaccine has come in at such a fast pace. I may just change my mind 3 years from now. I guess I have no clue since I don't have a crystal ball. Probably the last reason is that I am hopeful my body will build its immunity naturally.

The CDC says that vaccinated people can carry and transmit the virus as fluently as a non-vaccinated person so that puts us all in the same boat. The vast majority of people in my state who fall under being vulnerable have been vaccinated or have simply chosen not to vaccinate. At this point I believe anything I do isn't infringing on anybody anymore or putting them at risk. 6 months ago, that was a different story. I imagine other states aren't in this same situation as my state so I have no plans to travel at this time.

What I really wish in all of this is that we get someone will actually tell us the truth. I hate that I can't trust anything a politician says anymore or that I can't get the right news from Fox or CNN. All I get these days is "created news". We have been told this virus happened in a food market in China and then a former CDC director says he believes it was created in a lab. Who is telling the truth? Did the WHO really hide this from us or try to cover it up? I really wish we had honest answers because I can't believe anyone anymore.

Hope you all have a glorious day and weekend.
I thought the vinyl comment would elicit a response. My son and his friends love vinyl. I just remember being so happy when I didn't have worry about a stylus or using a strobe to adjust the speed. That's why Baskin-Robbins has 31 flavors.
Swatski: First off, you are awesome on this site. I swear you always are one of the first guys to chime in and I am not sure you haven't chimed in on every post I have ever made over the last year or so. Can't thank you enough for that and for the help you give others.

100% agree. The dude is awesome!

The CDC says that vaccinated people can carry and transmit the virus as fluently as a non-vaccinated person so that puts us all in the same boat. The vast majority of people in my state who fall under being vulnerable have been vaccinated or have simply chosen not to vaccinate. At this point I believe anything I do isn't infringing on anybody anymore or putting them at risk. 6 months ago, that was a different story. I imagine other states aren't in this same situation as my state so I have no plans to travel at this time.

I lose the train of thought here. Masking is for others, it doesn't protect you, it protects those around you. Vaccination is for you, not for others. If you can still have and carry the virus, and spread the virus, would you rather carry it lightly or heavily? Here's a burden you are very likely to carry at some point, would you rather guarantee it to be a light burden, or risk it being a potentially life threatening burden. I just don't see the downsides when looking at the vaccine objectively from a self risk mitigation standpoint.

What I really wish in all of this is that we get someone will actually tell us the truth. I hate that I can't trust anything a politician says anymore or that I can't get the right news from Fox or CNN. All I get these days is "created news". We have been told this virus happened in a food market in China and then a former CDC director says he believes it was created in a lab. Who is telling the truth? Did the WHO really hide this from us or try to cover it up? I really wish we had honest answers because I can't believe anyone anymore.

100% agree here. Finding good, reliable information is more difficult than it should be. The premise that most news delivery channels aren't there to inform you, but rather there to sell advertisement dollars significantly skews the lenses by which you have to view them. Finding reputable and trustworthy resources is exceptionally difficult. For me, when someone with @swatski or @tabbibus credentials tell me the vaccine is a good idea, I both value and trust that opinion and indirect guidance. That's about as reliable and trustworthy of a source as you can find IMO.

Hope you all have a glorious day and weekend.
You as well sir. I appreciate the cordial discussion and exchange!
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