Great post....
If everyone around me is vaccinated, I don't need to protect them. If they have chosen not to get vaccinated, they have decided they don't need the protection. I wear a mask pretty much anywhere where I think someone might be who wants to get vaccinated but hasn't had the chance. I am not sure there is data supporting "lightly carrying the virus vs heavily carrying the virus" when it comes to vaccinated vs un-vaccinated. I just know that both can carry and transmit the virus. If you have a place to point me to, let me know. I enjoy reading in my early morning quietness before everyone wakes up.
I have that same 30-45min every morning. Nice to have just a small sliver of your day to yourself isn't it?
Don't really have any data to support the "heavy vs light" metaphor, I'm working of the logical premise of how a vaccine works. Sets up the body to be ready for the next attack with advanced intelligence on how the virus works. SO, when you come in contact with the real live thing, the symptoms are lessened, and the risk of serious complications significantly reduced. Perhaps it's the difference between a few days of flu like symptoms, and a few weeks on a ventilator. It hits everyone differently and quantifying that risk of complications is difficult.
In terms of self risk, I see a self risk towards me. My body reacted quite differently to the flu vaccine 15 years ago. Almost violently. I never got the flu shot prior to that year and haven't since that time. Getting another vaccine is in my mind dang scary given the time it has taken to develop it and not be able to study long term effects. In my mind, it is riskier to get the vaccine than it is to get COVID and build natural immunity.
I get a personal risk assessment based on historical data. I too have had bad reactions to flu vaccines in the past, and generally didn't get them yearly until a few years ago (maybe 5 or so). I had the flu REALLY bad one year, and decided it might be worth a try again. Got the flue shot the next fall, and was just fine. Haven't had the flu since, but get the free shot every fall from the company. Might be coincidence, might be cause an effect. It's hard to say to be honest.
I stray away again at the speed to market concern though. My understanding (which is anecdotal at best) is that this is more of an evolutionary development than a revolutionary development, and the people working on it are at the forefront of their field. Similar to how I know both the formal theory, the intricate application of that theory, and the physical workings of a multi-speed automatic transmission. I've been elbow deep in them, I've done the math and physics work to understand the founding principles, and I've studied the applications of them in great detail. I'm at that level in my chosen career, and I expect the ones working on the vaccine are at similar levels in theirs. This vaccine isn't some completely new paradigm of infection control, but rather an evolutionary change that would be akin to adjusting the packaging of a transmission. It's proven stuff on the inside, but the interfaces have been modified to fit the application. For reference, my wife has the same concern, and she ended up getting the vaccine (first shot on Monday) for other reasons that outweighed the speed to market concern. It was at the forefront of her mind though, and she had some anxiety over it. Her and I have both said we're not any more worried about the vaccine going into our bodies than we are any of the other myriad of chemicals we find on the packaging of the food we eat. That's not to say we shouldn't be worried, or we shouldn't change our diet, or any of those things; we absolutely should. It's to say we aren't taking on much, if any, additional risk from these chemicals of the others we already ingest.
I stay out of bars, keep my distance in public places, and wear a mask quite a bit of my day. I have no plans to travel out of state or out of the country. Most of my friends and family have either vaccinated or chosen not to.
Same here. I'm a pretty religious mask wearer and crowd avoider. I've been doing my grocery shopping at 6am on Sunday morning for the last year to avoid the crowds, and I pretty much have a mask on me all day at the office. It's an easy set of small changes to make to mitigate as much risk as I can for myself and my family. If I need to get a thing, it's a preplanned trip with purpose and as little exposure time as possible. No more wandering around the mall on a Saturday afternoon getting something from the snack bar and going in/out of shops lookin for something inexpensive to impulse buy. We have eaten out a few times, but it's been open air patios, or other situations that keep us from being stuffed in a building with a bunch of people we don't know the habits of. It might be an overabundance of caution, or it might be saving our lives. Again, it's hard to say, but it's more easy and small changes.
Despite those small and easy changes, I still got COVID in December and lost a week just staying alive. Then had another 4 weeks at home between the holidays and work quarantine requirements. Wife and Kids have all tested negative throughout, but we still avoid crowds, restaurants, and public places as much as possible. I don't think we're out of the tunnel just because we're vaccinated, but I think we're closer to seeing the light at the other end.
Luckily boating is a great method to stay the hell away from other people