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The Vaccine

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I was really hoping this thread would be an outlet to share ease of getting an appt, what shot did you get and in what way did it make you feel afterward. Maybe help convince some that were on the fence about getting the vaccine off the fence by sharing our stories that it really wasn't all that bad.
I haven't checked this thread in a while but let me clear this up for those that responded to my posts.

Am I against vaccinations? Nope.

Am I for the right to choose to receive or not receive a vax? Yep.

Will there be lawsuits against private companies that hold monopolies within their industries that force vaccinations? Yep.

Why do I think this way? I just asked myself these questions:

1) Has the US government been wrong in their handling of a crisis in recent history, pre-covid?

2) Has the US government illegally and tyrannically subjected citizens to perversions of their rights due to a crisis in recent history?

3) Has the US government been forced to issue apologies and vast sums of tax payer money in recent history, over 1 & 2, as proof of their wrongdoings?

These are the reasons I, like many others, will choose not to get the jab. Statistically, when the percentage of vax'd people reaches a certain point, the rest of us that didn't get it, won't need it. So here's to you, test subjects of the world, it's much appreciated!
Yes. This.

And, regarding many other posts I’ve read here - the vaccine is not for ‘yourself’, as a first order of business. Your vaccination is for the benefit of the general population.

As a suggestion, you need to roll up that "for the better of humanity" thought process and apply it to other areas of your life. Or just look of historical data of how that's gone wrong.
I know the flames will come out when I write this, but to those that say "follow the science" I say to you "history is full of bad science and that science is only as good as today."

Remember these?
1) Oxy-type pain killers are great for pain management and should be prescribed to everyone!
2) Give all the kids ADD drugs like Ritalin!
3) Antipsychotic drugs that actually make you psychotic.

Pepperidge Farm remembers... so don't tell me that these drugs are 100% safe and that there's 0% chance that we'll find out that a process that normally takes years to develop was flawed and now there are repercussions.

It's your right to be a test subject. It's my right not to be. Let's agree that freedom applies to everyone.
I know the flames will come out when I write this, but to those that say "follow the science" I say to you "history is full of bad science and that science is only as good as today."

Remember these?
1) Oxy-type pain killers are great for pain management and should be prescribed to everyone!
2) Give all the kids ADD drugs like Ritalin!
3) Antipsychotic drugs that actually make you psychotic.

Pepperidge Farm remembers... so don't tell me that these drugs are 100% safe and that there's 0% chance that we'll find out that a process that normally takes years to develop was flawed and now there are repercussions.

It's your right to be a test subject. It's my right not to be. Let's agree that freedom applies to everyone.
No flames sir, you have every right to be this paranoid.... Really though I just don't know how you could go through life with this much distrust and paranoia. I mean where does it end? Think about how much of your life is put in the hands of others, whether it's the cook in the kitchen of the restaurant making your food, or the big corporation that built your car, or the airplane your riding in, or the can of soup you're about to open and eat. I mean holy shit, how can you trust anyone???

I know one thing, the cook that made my buddies shrimp étouffée last weekend can't be trusted cause my buddy just about died from violent puking from that shit!!!
It's almost like something that was rushed to market may have not been tested completely...
It WAS granted emergency use - so yes, all 3 vaccines have been fast tracked due to the 600k deaths. Its weighing risk/benefits.

That said, the blood clotting issue with J&J appears to be similar to the AstraZeneca issue. Its a one in a million chance right now. The CDC is "pausing" not with the intent of pulling the vaccine, but so that they can better advise medical practitioners what to look for and how to treat this. It is 6 cases of blood clots (adverse severe reactions - not deaths) in 6 Million. Keep things in perspective.

It's almost like something that was rushed to market may have not been tested completely...

So a recommendation to halt the use of J&J vaccine for .0000008% of adverse reaction... or 6 cases in 6.8 million doses administered. All adverse reactions in women 18-48 years of age. That narrow band of affected persons is alarming.
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So a recommendation to halt the use of J&J vaccine for .0000008% of adverse reaction... or 6 cases in 6.8 million doses administered. All adverse reactions in women 18-48 years of age. That narrow of affected persons is alarming.
Their job is to be cautious and balance risk/benefit. Unfortunately the mass/social media will hype the crap out of this and stir up all these vaccine deniers even more. It is a Shame as it is "Idiocracy" in the making.
As a suggestion, you need to roll up that "for the better of humanity" thought process and apply it to other areas of your life. Or just look of historical data of how that's gone wrong.
So a recommendation to halt the use of J&J vaccine for .0000008% of adverse reaction... or 6 cases in 6.8 million doses administered. All adverse reactions in women 18-48 years of age. That narrow of affected persons is alarming.

Again, I'm happy for anyone getting the jab. I choose not to. Can we all respect each other's choices?
No flames sir, you have every right to be this paranoid.... Really though I just don't know how you could go through life with this much distrust and paranoia. I mean where does it end? Think about how much of your life is put in the hands of others, whether it's the cook in the kitchen of the restaurant making your food, or the big corporation that built your car, or the airplane your riding in, or the can of soup you're about to open and eat. I mean holy shit, how can you trust anyone???

I know one thing, the cook that made my buddies shrimp étouffée last weekend can't be trusted cause my buddy just about died from violent puking from that shit!!!

I think when it comes to the US government and large corporations, a HEALTHY amount of paranoia is necessary. Again, you only have to look at recent history to come to this conclusion.
To the crowd........Did 212S delete all his messages? I come back a day later and am only seeing his comments through replies of others. Don't think I ignore him. Weird.
that is what I see as well. I infer that he blocked/ignored me. But then again, I don't have any empirical facts and statistical data to support my conclusion. :cool:
There are those that base their policies on reality,
then there are those that try to make reality fit into their policies,
the latter of which are responsible for the greatest horrors of the 20th century.
Thomas Sowell
I think when it comes to the US government and large corporations, a HEALTHY amount of paranoia is necessary. Again, you only have to look at recent history to come to this conclusion.

I think that is fair. I think we should all take what government says with a huge grain of salt. Many bad things have been done in the guise of medicine and greater good. As a physician myself, I've read quiet a bit on what terrible things "medicine" has done. I honestly hand to heart don't think this is one of them.
I think that is fair. I think we should all take what government says with a huge grain of salt. Many bad things have been done in the guise of medicine and greater good. As a physician myself, I've read quiet a bit on what terrible things "medicine" has done. I honestly hand to heart don't think this is one of them.

I appreciate that reality check and your opinion. That's what makes this country so.damn.great.
Just for conversation, I want to remind people of RECENT activities based on "science as we know it" as it relates to Covid:

1) Don't worry about Covid-19, it would be racist to shut down travel from Asia. (Politicians in Q1, 2020)

2) Lockdowns are just for 15 days to flatten the curve (Q2, 2020)

3) Vaccines will take years to develop safely (Q3, 2020)

4) You don't need to wear masks (Q1, 2020)

5) New York City will need two hospital ships and the Javits Center for all the sick people (Q2/3, 2020)

6) Covid can spread on surfaces and everything must be wiped between usages (2020/Q1, 2021)

7) Covid can spread via aerosol in schools from 6' away. (2020/Q1, 2021)

8) Need to mention all of the politicians and scientists that came out and said "Do X to protect others" and then got caught doing the exact opposite.

These are just what I can think of off the top of my head, there are so many more scientific guesses from this pandemic. So you can understand why there's a population of this country that says "fool me once, shame on you, fool me seven times, shame on me."
Just for conversation, I want to remind people of RECENT activities based on "science as we know it" as it relates to Covid:

1) Don't worry about Covid-19, it would be racist to shut down travel from Asia. (Politicians in Q1, 2020)

2) Lockdowns are just for 15 days to flatten the curve (Q2, 2020)

3) Vaccines will take years to develop safely (Q3, 2020)

4) You don't need to wear masks (Q1, 2020)

5) New York City will need two hospital ships and the Javits Center for all the sick people (Q2/3, 2020)

6) Covid can spread on surfaces and everything must be wiped between usages (2020/Q1, 2021)

7) Covid can spread via aerosol in schools from 6' away. (2020/Q1, 2021)

8) Need to mention all of the politicians and scientists that came out and said "Do X to protect others" and then got caught doing the exact opposite.

These are just what I can think of off the top of my head, there are so many more scientific guesses from this pandemic. So you can understand why there's a population of this country that says "fool me once, shame on you, fool me seven times, shame on me."
Yes, 2020 was a challenging (confusing) time. Agreed.
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