Just curious, how many people that died would you consider to be a healthy individual? For the record I am overweight with asthma and it was pretty much a walk in the park for me. Had 2 hours of feeling like real crap.
I'm really glad it was light for you. I wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.
I had it WAY rougher, and I still didn't make a hospital trip over it. I'm neither overweight, nor have asthma. 40yrs old. No underlying health issues. I bicycle 6 days a week now. One could argue I'm in good to excellent cardiovascular health. It was HANDS DOWN the worst flu-like symptoms I've had. EVER. I didn't die, but there were a few days in there I thought I might. Tough to breathe. Pulse Ox dropped into the 90's. If it dropped below 90 I was headed to the ER. Got to 91 one night.
Furthermore, I spent a week in the hospital last May. When I walked into that hospital in May, I had to stop twice to catch my breathe as I made my way from the 3rd parking spot into the ER. Once in I was immediately quarantined, and stayed that way for a week until they figured out WTF was wrong with me. Turns out, I had a lung infection of unknown source, and was placed in the isolation wing with other COVID patients until they could figure it out. I could hear people screaming through the walls in pain and respiratory distress. Screaming. Read that again. SCREAMING! It hurt so bad they were
SCREAMING for help. Loud enough to hear through insulated walls in a hospital and quite literally wake a sleeping person in the next room. I still have nightmares about that and I'm almost a year out from that experience.
Anyone that downplays the severity of the symptoms of COVID has lost their damn mind. How many first responders, medical institution employees, doctors or scientists have to tell people that this shit is no joke before your "beliefs" are changed? At one point we were losing more people a day than the 9/11 attacks. EVERY SINGLE DAY. These aren't just old feeble people either. I've lost coworkers, friends, and relatives to it. The youngest of which was 23. Just because it hasn't touched you personally, doesn't mean it isn't a big damn deal, and a VERY serious threat.
My final thought is this......I hate to hear that you "believe", as if some of this is open for interpretation. There is overwhelming evidence, both empirical and anecdotal of the severity of the situation. I'm honestly curious as to why any of this is a belief and not a simple logical deduction. If you're waiting for a years long study of the side effects, death rates, improper reporting, or any of the other "contested" issues, then you'll be waiting until your dead from it. There are times in life that action needs to be taken without full information do to the nature of threat. This is one of those times, and the level of risk you're taking by not vaccinating is far far greater than the level of risk you take by getting it, regardless of your beliefs, that's how it works.
I too am out of the thread from here out. I've said my peace, and I'm ready to get back to boating discussions.