LOL I would RUN from anything being endorsed by a celebrity, are you kidding me? You must really think that critical thinking is the way of the hillbilly...
Hey, I'm not judging. I thought it would be a humorous start to the question, and if someone said yes, so be it.
I wonder how many might change their mind if they currently don't see much benefit and someone they relate to and admire said, I participated in the study and have been vaccinated for 1 year, and my hot significant other died at 32 and healthy from Covid, and I was with this person the whole time and I didn't get it.
Again, This did not happen, discussion only, trying to learn here what might sway folks to think differently than they do today.
Speaking to what I have learned from those here that do not agree that "Getting the vaccine now is a good idea" this is what I am hearing from this group:
Not looking for more data now as much as they are desiring for a longer wait time vs. potentially lowering the COVID risk with what they perceive as a vaccine that may or may not be safe, it has not been in use long enough to know. 9 months is too short, We were zapping ourselves with X-Rays for 20 years before we realized it was bad for us, New stuff can be bad for you, why risk it? I/Someone else got Covid and it's all good, why risk it?
The shoe-fitting fluoroscope was unnecessary and hazardous, but kids loved it
so hard pass, no thank you.
I think I have captured this correctly, and I admit this is illuminating to me, I see the situation as challenging as vaccines work better when there are more takers.
The great thing is that those most at risk can be vaccinated at their choice. If we get lucky and there is no super strong mutation eventually everyone will have immunity one way or another and it will go away. Hard to guess what the future will bring. If we have some crappy mutations over the next year or two it could get messy.
Thanks for your feedback!