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The Vaccine

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Your points are... semi valid, but that's just my opinion. Again, there's been lies and damn lies over the last year of this pandemic. You can't expect that people will just believe your word that "we're defecating up river" because we won't take the vaccine. Just as I couldn't convince you that "this is how every zombie film always starts..." right? :)

We agree that we are not on the same page... But now it's your turn to answer directly so I can learn something:

What would you like to see that would make you decide this is a true statement for you:

It is to my benefit to vaccinate.
We agree that we are not on the same page... But now it's your turn to answer directly so I can learn something:

What would you like to see that would make you decide this is a true statement for you:

It is to my benefit to vaccinate.
Valid question. My answer would be that there has to be a length of time that the vax is proven safe. Like a flu shot or measles. Proven over time that it works, that the side effects are outweighed by the benefit. Today, it’s simply “you won’t get a vax, how dare you, shame on you!”

Again, not an anti vaxxer, just anti rush into shit. Hell I did more research on buying a boat than I feel has been done on Covid.

I mean, if your dealership would’ve told you lies, half truths, and just generally made shit up to get you to buy a Yamaha, would you have bought it anyway, dismissing all of that?
I'm sorry you feel that way. I can't change how you perceive the message. The point is well made that you perceive many have stopped trying to convince, and are just shaming the unbelievers. This will need to be figured out in order to reach enough people to make the vaccine work in "herd immunity" mode, so it will be a greater focus of pubic policy soon.

What is length of time do you feel personally comfortable with? say 6 months? 2 years?

Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Valid question. My answer would be that there has to be a length of time that the vax is proven safe. Like a flu shot or measles. Proven over time that it works, that the side effects are outweighed by the benefit. Today, it’s simply “you won’t get a vax, how dare you, shame on you!”

I have a coworker that I respect a lot, who is also a pretty liberal guy (not that politics should have anything to do with it but we all know how that’s gone) and he has the exact same take. He just doesn’t trust that we know what might go wrong long term. I was very surprised that he’s not getting it, but that’s his right, just like it’s your right.
Hopefully we have enough people willing to take it for various reasons that those of you who won’t take it won’t matter for reaching overall herd immunity. I do think it’s kind of a “let’s stick together as Americans/humans” thing and I wish that made people feel some sense of duty to do it as part of a greater good, but as my dad told a young AZMark “wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills up first”.

You take things out of context, put in an assumption, then call me childish.

It almost like talking to a flat earther here. The evidence says this so this what it is, 100% no matter what it is that way! Its never wrong and that will never change. You guys are so closed minded, you can’t seem to accept there is even a slight chance what we “know” is wrong. We are at the epitome of humanity and science is always right. (Sarcasm) That mindset really worked well for yellow fever, right? They knew the cause, then the real cause, or wait now we know what it is!
I called the argument childish, not you, that's a big difference if you pay attention.

I see you are getting lost in detail which, frankly, is not that complicated and should not be overwhelming. But at this point it's just a complete waste of my time.

The mRNA vaccine has been in development for 12 years (since sars). Perhaps this is why it has better numbers and no severe adverse reactions?

Comparing yellow fever vaccine challenges over 50 years ago to today's medicine is sad.
The mRNA vaccine has been in development for 12 years (since sars). Perhaps this is why it has better numbers and no severe adverse reactions?

Comparing yellow fever vaccine challenges over 50 years ago to today's medicine is sad.

Not a comparison, a simple example of how humans think they have everything figured out, but we have absolutely no idea sometimes. Would you like more recent examples of how “proven” science was proven wrong?

History repeats it self and to consider using any reference of history as “sad”, is just short sighted and ignorant. History often will teach us about the future.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I can't change how you perceive the message. The point is well made that you perceive many have stopped trying to convince, and are just shaming the unbelievers. This will need to be figured out in order to reach enough people to make the vaccine work in "herd immunity" mode, so it will be a greater focus of pubic policy soon.

What is length of time do you feel personally comfortable with? say 6 months? 2 years?

Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Don’t feel sorry. I had covid, “survived” it, moved on with my life. Cancer and heart disease, still bigger killers than covid on 2020, but we don’t shame others on choices that lead to those deaths.

Comfort level timeframe ... hard to say, when did we finally realize that OxyContin wasn’t a miracle drug? Or that Roundup was cancer causing? Or that asbestos caused lung cancer? Probably around that length of time.
well, that's from 1 to 50 years depending on who you ask what happened when. (Asbestos it seems were known to be harmful in 1930 at the latest, but in the US folks kept using them in popcorn ceiling until 1980s)

Last follow up question: What information/studies/data/circumstance would change your mind on the amount of time you would wait to use it? (if any) (Say, celebrity endorsement? Cash Payment? # of vaccinated? Similarity to other vaccines you might already have applied? anything else?)

I appreciate your willingness to engage and share your view.
To the crowd........Did 212S delete all his messages? I come back a day later and am only seeing his comments through replies of others. Don't think I ignore him. Weird.
No you're right, I deleted my posts...when people don't like or agree with the response then reply with angry insults, I lose all respect for those people. I enjoy feisty/heated discussions presented with a level keel, but I have no time for crap.
Anywho, just wanted you to know it's not a glitch. I'm done, thanks.
? ?
well, that's from 1 to 50 years depending on who you ask what happened when. (Asbestos it seems were known to be harmful in 1930 at the latest, but in the US folks kept using them in popcorn ceiling until 1980s)

Last follow up question: What information/studies/data/circumstance would change your mind on the amount of time you would wait to use it? (if any) (Say, celebrity endorsement? Cash Payment? # of vaccinated? Similarity to other vaccines you might already have applied? anything else?)

I appreciate your willingness to engage and share your view.

I can chime in on my thoughts. If a celebrity endorses it, I probably would want it less LOL. I have been offered over $1000 for COVID related medical trials and turned it down. (I do a lot of market research studies in my spare time, but never medical ones). I suppose if I were to ever consider It, it would have to be extremely effective against all strands and have no side affects.... and proven for several years. I would also probably have to catch it a few times and for it be bad cases. I can’t recall the last time I had a vaccine, so can’t compare there. I would compare my thoughts on the vaccine to that of the flu shot.
My friend just told me he is having some pretty bad side effects from his 2nd Pfizer shot.
Had bad fever & flu symptoms for 2 days & now very swollen lymph nodes for 3 days.
Extremely fit guy early 40s.
My friend just told me he is having some pretty bad side effects from his 2nd Pfizer shot.
Had bad fever & flu symptoms for 2 days & now very swollen lymph nodes for 3 days.
Extremely fit guy early 40s.
yup. it happens. sucks. but still better than the alternative.
Just a little follow up, after receiving the J & J shot I was tired the rest of the day and part of the next, what surprised me is that my arm was still stiff two day days later. When I took a shower that morning i realized that my arm wasn’t stiff at all, the bandaid that was applied to the injection site was still there, good bandaid, silly me.

it took me a while to get an appointment close to home and I remember complaining about how long it took from the time I walked in to the time I walked out (almost 30 minutes with no one in front of me, 20 minutes waiting to get the shot and 10 afterwards) but when I think about all of the people I know who contracted Covid last year, some died, the funerals I went to and those the I could not attend, all of the things we could not do (e.g. weddings, graduations, travel, eat inside restaurants, watch movies in theaters), the business that closed permanently, I would get a shot or two and risk feeling crappy for a day or two every year if it would help us get “back to normal” faster and stay that way.
well, that's from 1 to 50 years depending on who you ask what happened when. (Asbestos it seems were known to be harmful in 1930 at the latest, but in the US folks kept using them in popcorn ceiling until 1980s)

Last follow up question: What information/studies/data/circumstance would change your mind on the amount of time you would wait to use it? (if any) (Say, celebrity endorsement? Cash Payment? # of vaccinated? Similarity to other vaccines you might already have applied? anything else?)

I appreciate your willingness to engage and share your view.

LOL I would RUN from anything being endorsed by a celebrity, are you kidding me? You must really think that critical thinking is the way of the hillbilly...
I Received my Second shot of Pfizer and I am feeling fine, no soreness. They mentioned at that location that they are doing 4000 circa people per day now and it is climbing. The Nurse, who was very nice, said that since the info about the J & J came out, people are rushing in for the Pfizer because they are afraid they may be stuck with a different brand, even those whom weren't interested in getting it. Funny how things work.
LOL I would RUN from anything being endorsed by a celebrity, are you kidding me? You must really think that critical thinking is the way of the hillbilly...
Hey, I'm not judging. I thought it would be a humorous start to the question, and if someone said yes, so be it.

I wonder how many might change their mind if they currently don't see much benefit and someone they relate to and admire said, I participated in the study and have been vaccinated for 1 year, and my hot significant other died at 32 and healthy from Covid, and I was with this person the whole time and I didn't get it.

Again, This did not happen, discussion only, trying to learn here what might sway folks to think differently than they do today.

Speaking to what I have learned from those here that do not agree that "Getting the vaccine now is a good idea" this is what I am hearing from this group:
Not looking for more data now as much as they are desiring for a longer wait time vs. potentially lowering the COVID risk with what they perceive as a vaccine that may or may not be safe, it has not been in use long enough to know. 9 months is too short, We were zapping ourselves with X-Rays for 20 years before we realized it was bad for us, New stuff can be bad for you, why risk it? I/Someone else got Covid and it's all good, why risk it?

so hard pass, no thank you.

I think I have captured this correctly, and I admit this is illuminating to me, I see the situation as challenging as vaccines work better when there are more takers.

The great thing is that those most at risk can be vaccinated at their choice. If we get lucky and there is no super strong mutation eventually everyone will have immunity one way or another and it will go away. Hard to guess what the future will bring. If we have some crappy mutations over the next year or two it could get messy.

Thanks for your feedback!
Refuse to get it. I have already had COVID, and the data strongly suggests there is no reason to get the vaccine, if you have already had it.

I do have a buddy who received the vaccine, he is 36 and in pretty good shape. He had mild seizures the next day.
I’m in the not getting camp as well. Whole fam already had it, minor for all of us. Wife in the medical field (surgical nurse). We do not see the benefit as there are safe scientific proven treatments that will do the same or better than an unknown experimental vaccine (biological operating system). Not an anti-Vaxer by the way.
Her doctor and many others are advising against now that more and more data is out.

Recommend doing your research. Check out Rumble as it is not a censored platform or front line doctors
I’m in the not getting camp as well. Whole fam already had it, minor for all of us. Wife in the medical field (surgical nurse). We do not see the benefit as there are safe scientific proven treatments that will do the same or better than an unknown experimental vaccine (biological operating system). Not an anti-Vaxer by the way.
Her doctor and many others are advising against now that more and more data is out.

Recommend doing your research. Check out Rumble as it is not a censored platform or front line doctors
The only front line Dr. I know that works directly with hospitalized COVID patients, as well as his nurse wife, got it as fast as they could.
I believe @tabbibus , another front line Dr., has said the same.
I’m in the not getting camp as well. Whole fam already had it, minor for all of us. Wife in the medical field (surgical nurse). We do not see the benefit as there are safe scientific proven treatments that will do the same or better than an unknown experimental vaccine (biological operating system). Not an anti-Vaxer by the way.
Her doctor and many others are advising against now that more and more data is out.

Recommend doing your research. Check out Rumble as it is not a censored platform or front line doctors
what are these proven scientific methods that are better or the same than the vaccine? (honest question)
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