It was a great time! It was their first time trying this seminar and it went great. They broke it down into small sessions. Maintenance and care was the first session, then branched out to brand-specific groups so we could focus on our boats. Ate some good BBQ lunch and then wrapped it up with the surf tech session they called Wine n Waves lol where wine was served from mellow to wild as we talked about making a mellow wave vs a wild wave. Also had a raffle giving away apparel and Boat Babes cleaning kits but of course I didn’t win anything
It was a pretty fun way to learn about your new boat! My Yamaha dealer by comparison was “here’s your boat, here’s our number and uh see you later” lol. My new dealer has been so amazing and willing to do everything to make you feel like family. Got to meet some folks and we all talked about or buying processes, boats, lake stories etc. Just a good time to be had and glad my dealer is willing to spend the money and time to put in events like this. They are doing lunch rides at different lakes through the year so I’ll be going to those and surfing on different boats they bring.
Didn’t take a bunch of pics as I didn’t want to be that guy lol but I did sneak in a few. Wished I could have recorded the surf session because I learned a lot about what the water is actually doing under and behind the boat and have a good understanding now how to shape a wave. Can’t wait to try it out on the new Max

. Had to go see the old boat while I was there too. She looked sad and dirty
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