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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

Thank you. Since there was a redesign for 2020 I'm wondering if the height will be different.
We were able to climb around a 2021 NXT20 and it felt small to me coming from a SX210, especially in the bow and available storage.
We don't usually have a big crew it's mainly only the 3 of us, but it could get to 8 every once in a while.
My wife loves the NXT20 we looked at and I really liked it a lot too, NXT22 would be a better fit. The issues I have is that it will be next to impossible to demo one since every boat coming in is sold already.
Damn it if I would have sold my wife on the idea last year I wouldn't be having these problems.

The dealer may have a customer willing to give you a demo on their own boat to give you an idea of the ride, wave etc. Mine was going to reach out to me to give a friend a demo. They even offered to pay me lol. Just a thought.
Finally got around to riding my new Neo and I love it! I should have gone 5’ Doomswell long ago vs the 4’8”. Once I set the edge it just rockets toward the boat. Wave was pretty good until wind and storms rolled in cutting our day short. Think I’m going to get a few hundred lbs of lead wake since we don’t have anyone on the boy due to covid.

These pics really illustrate how much more freeboard you have as compared to some other boats when setup to surf. Rub rail is still well out of the water with (I'm guessing here) full ballast.

Looks like a great time!
These pics really illustrate how much more freeboard you have as compared to some other boats when setup to surf. Rub rail is still well out of the water with (I'm guessing here) full ballast.

Looks like a great time!
Yup full ballast and that's one of the main reasons I went with the Max over others. I can't tell you how many times I've been thankful to have the high freeboard since my lake can get rough and lots of big waves from big boats and wake boats. Have watched my bow go way up and down on huge rollers and never once had water come over.
Finally got around to riding my new Neo and I love it! I should have gone 5’ Doomswell long ago vs the 4’8”. Once I set the edge it just rockets toward the boat. Wave was pretty good until wind and storms rolled in cutting our day short. Think I’m going to get a few hundred lbs of lead wake since we don’t have anyone on the boy due to covid.

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That's rediculous! No offense to the Yamahas at all as they are great all around boats, but they can't match a purpose built boat for surfing.
Had to swing by the storage unit today and I realized I have never done a video tour of my Max. Video is broken into 2 parts due to length. I also give my thoughts and opinion on the upcoming changes to the 2021 Moomba Max.

I've got the spin part of the 360 down now and can make this repeatable. Just need to figure out how to stay on the wave afterward.

I bet if you looked over your shoulder as soon as you turned around you would stay in the pocket better. Our bodies tend to follow where we look.
Looks like everyone has been having a great time out on the water!!

We have been trying, learning and having a great time as well. I have to say this is quite a bit of fun. Everyone is enjoying this! Here are a couple of pictures of my son showing everyone how to do it! Of course this is his first time! ?


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The Max is too big for us. I'm still holding out hope for a boat that will fit in our garage with a 7' door. I checked out a A20 and me and the wife hated it, I couldn't get past the gauges taking up the whole windshield. We checked out a 2021 NXT20, it's a beautiful boat and we are considering it, but we are concerned about the size especially in the bow. They didn't have a NXT22 there but were able to sit in a XT22 which has a similar layout. I would love something that I can get in and out of the garage using my truck and not my back. I am considering dry docking for the season and only putting the boat in the garage in the off-season.

Congrats on the boat shopping!! That is lots of fun!! We sat in a NXT22 and it was a nice boat. I did like that dash, it's nicely laid out. I really liked the switches.

Then we saw the A24 and my wife said that is the one we are getting! Size matters, LOL! :p

Seriously, no matter what boat you decide on, they are lots of fun. Everyone, young and old, has had an incredible time.

Enjoy boat shopping!! ;)
Looks like everyone has been having a great time out on the water!!

We have been trying, learning and having a great time as well. I have to say this is quite a bit of fun. Everyone is enjoying this! Here are a couple of pictures of my son showing everyone how to do it! Of course this is his first time! ?

Yessir it's all about the fun and glad y'all are having a good time with your new wake boat! :winkingthumbsup"
Yessir it's all about the fun and glad y'all are having a good time with your new wake boat! :winkingthumbsup"
I will need to get a youtube account so I can post some videos of the fun!! We are still learning, but have had an incredible time! It's really hard to leave the lake, LOL! It has also led us in a new direction family wise..... I will need to post some pictures of the new adventure! :cool:
Yea for sure get your videos up. Totally agree about it creating an awesome family time on the water. We spend a lot of time as a family having good times and making great memories on the water and even my wife has tried to get in on the surfing a few times. She drives the boat great now and would never feel this comfortable doing it with our AR192.

Yea for sure get your videos up. Totally agree about it creating an awesome family time on the water. We spend a lot of time as a family having good times and making great memories on the water and even my wife has tried to get in on the surfing a few times. She drives the boat great now and would never feel this comfortable doing it with our AR192.

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My wife got up and had a blast!! She was so excited that she was able to do it!! We had 9 people out and all but 1 got up. That one was 8 years old and just could not understand the process. However not for the lack of trying and she kept on trying!! :)
Windy white cap day filled with a sea of holiday boat traffic made for a crappy surf session but I did manage to get a run or two in before constantly being bucked off my boat from the rough water. I will be glad when hopefully all these new boaters start to put their boats up and the lake returns to being calm. Yes I gotta work on my pumping skills or lack there of :D

impossible to surf when it’s rough. This wasn’t even the worse parts of the lake ...

impossible to surf when it’s rough. This wasn’t even the worse parts of the lake ...

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Yeah, we had that experience last weekend. I didn’t realize until we got out on the water that there were 30 mile an hour wind gusts. Surfing was a wild ride. Most of this time we were focused on not getting bucked off the board. Not exactly enjoyable, but probably a good way to build skills.
Here's the Yanmar diesel engine video Shaun just put up. Pretty sick!!
