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Towing with Tesla Model X

The only thing I can't get past is the zero engine noise on performance electric. Being raised on IC power, you expect NOISE when you hit it and the exhaust to send those big, beautiful plumes of smoke driving to the rear. I've watched some burnout videos from Model S's and it's so pathetic sounding with just the tire sound and no IC engine belching. It's like going to a concert expecting Metallica but getting Kenny G.

I will say that, when EV catches on mainstream, it'll mean cheaper big blocks and fuel for us petrol heads.
It does have a slight whining sound as the speed intensity increases; which is pretty cool. But, yes, there is no noise. It's SBD! :winkingthumbsup"
Saw these artist interpretation renderings of the GMC Hummer. Not to shabby...


much better looking than cybertruck

Agreed... but still ugly. The renders of the CT actually looked halfway decent. Still hoping for a complete redesign by launch of it. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just trolling us with that thing.
Agreed... but still ugly. The renders of the CT actually looked halfway decent. Still hoping for a complete redesign by launch of it. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just trolling us with that thing.

I agree it's still ugly. I think if the grill area dropped further down, and had smaller front bumper it would look ok. Don't like the skinny grill.
This rendering looks better.

GM, please take off the stupid faux tire inflation piece from the wheels. Unless that's a real thing on your final version, nobody else will get it.
- All of us
If one of the EV pickup offerings is going to be a game changer the price tag needs to come in at something better than 70k starting.
That latest rendering from @MattFX4 isnt' terrible. I disagree with the really high beltline in something you have to work out of. Seeing what's beside me on the jobsite is pretty important. The "sportscar" window profile is a little overdone there IMO.

I think the tire inflation things on the wheels could go away as well. The 22-24in wheels are also a shade large for my tastes on something this heavy.

Also still has a whole lot of grill for something that doesn't have ICE heat losses to deal with. I dislike the "no grill" look on the Teslas, but this is a little far the other way.

Overall shape, profile, and scaling looks appropriate for a 1/2ton class pickup.
It’s not bad and certainly better looking to me than the Cybertruck. However the proportions don’t seem quite right in the cabin. Almost has a chopped roof look compared to the rest of the trucks size. Agree the faux air inflation needs to go. They keep doing it and it’s just lame AF. Those low profile tires don’t scream Hummer to me either. Not a bad rendering and if the production is close to concept I can see this being appealing to people.
If one of the EV pickup offerings is going to be a game changer the price tag needs to come in at something better than 70k starting.

CyberTruck will starts under 40.
CyberTruck will starts under 40.

I know, and it will easily outsell if the other options are going to be starting at 70k. I imagine Ford will come in close to the cybertruck price wise. I think the XLT is the most popular F150 trim level which puts it in the 35-45K range. Once you get outside of that range it becomes less about practicality and utility and more about a status symbol. There is a market for that, but the general public can't afford it. All of the best selling vehicles are all moderately priced vehicles not luxury vehicles.
I like that.....aside from the iPad on the dash......blech, I hate those screens, but they're clearly very popular.


Check out the gear selector. Drive, Manual, 3,2,1....on the console. OOPS! Clearly the artist doing the renderings there doesn't know how the powertrain is different.
That's easily the best looking so far.
That looks good and appears will tow my boat. Not so sure about those side mirrors. What is the intent there?
That looks good and appears will tow my boat. Not so sure about those side mirrors. What is the intent there?
They are most likely cameras and display the images on the giant ElonPad