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Towing with Tesla Model X

That Nikola looks great. Might be a strong option in a few years.
Been reading a little more Q&A on the Nikola Badger.
  • Cost will be $60k-$90k
  • Electric only range is 250-300 miles
  • Hydrogen fuel cell extends range to 600 miles
  • Reportedly maintains better range towing
  • Quick refueling
  • Lighter weight than other 100% electric
  • Hydrogen fueling stations are currently being built out and will expand with the demand
Apparently Anheuser-Busch is one of their major investors and is purchasing a fleet of Nikola hydrogen/electric semis.

I poked around their site a bit and they have a page about hydrogen.

Apparently they're also into powersports and are developing UTVs and skis.
Nikola NZT
Nikola WAV

Now they just need a onboard way to convert water into hydrogen for the fuel cell and you'll never need to fill up your boat again...
That is a sweet looking ski. I'd take a 21' version lol.
That is a sweet looking ski. I'd take a 21' version lol.

There was a guy that took tesla batteries and converted an 17' bayliner to electric. Cool concept, but way too much power loss on the stern drive to make it anything more than a one-off. Knowing that jets are even less efficient, I wonder what the above concept has for run time?

Here's the boat for sale. 70k for a boat with a range of 25 miles... makes me crack up every time.

More on it:
Don't know anything about hydrogen cars, but I know I've never seen a hydrogen filling station, so that would be a no from me for the foreseeable future.
Nautique has been developing an electric wakeboat for several years, at least since 2011. The only specs I've heard are from a 2017 video stating it had 30% more torque than a 5.7L V8 but only about 2.5 hours of solid wakeboarding time and a similar time to recharge. Not ideal, but still cool innovation.

I've seen a Nautique pro rider I follow on Instagram wakeboarding one, but couldn't find the post. I did find this.

Along with an accompanying article.
I think your Tesla can handle that load


  • tesla_qantas-tow-e1526376436868.jpg
    228.1 KB · Views: 6

Thanks for finding and posting something directly related to towing with an E-SUV.

Battery tech has a long way to go before the energy density reaches levels that would meet my boat towing needs.

For those with only short distance towing needs, it looks quite plausible to achieve with today's tech. Quite interested to see what the various E-SUVs hitting the market in the next few years will actually deliver to the consumer tow vehicle market.
Matt don't be silly. We don't talk about towing with EV in this thread. tsk tsk

The only thing I can't get past is the zero engine noise on performance electric. Being raised on IC power, you expect NOISE when you hit it and the exhaust to send those big, beautiful plumes of smoke driving to the rear. I've watched some burnout videos from Model S's and it's so pathetic sounding with just the tire sound and no IC engine belching. It's like going to a concert expecting Metallica but getting Kenny G.

I will say that, when EV catches on mainstream, it'll mean cheaper big blocks and fuel for us petrol heads.
I will enjoy less noise pollution! Nothing I hate more than sitting outside in the woods behind my house only to hear some <look at me> sports car or bike making a shit ton of noise a mile away! I would love nothing more than to have noise ordinances enforced on some of these cars and bikes (Yes....I sound like some grumpy old man! LOL)....heck...same for "Captain's calls" on boats! I used to put playing cards on my bicycle as a child to make noise....then I grew up.... :winkingthumbsup"[flag]
Just as reference.....13mpg is approximately 2,564 Wh/mi. I get around 13mpg towing on the expressway. To get Wh/mi from mpg, divide 33,333.33 by your mpg number.

The electrics are still SIGNIFICANTLY more efficient in terms of delivering the stored power to the ground. They just can't hold as much energy to begin with.
I will enjoy less noise pollution! Nothing I hate more than sitting outside in the woods behind my house only to hear some <look at me> sports car or bike making a shit ton of noise a mile away! I would love nothing more than to have noise ordinances enforced on some of these cars and bikes (Yes....I sound like some grumpy old man! LOL)....heck...same for "Captain's calls" on boats! I used to put playing cards on my bicycle as a child to make noise....then I grew up.... :winkingthumbsup"[flag]

why not just move to an old folks home?! Nice and quiet there. ???
why not just move to an old folks home?! Nice and quiet there. ???
Actually all the old folks homes are in town closer to all the "look at me" [HASH=3485]#$%@^[/HASH]......much nicer in the woods with the owls, deer, foxes etc.
Owner of my sons pre-k installed this outside the building. Is this some type of charger?

That is a power wall. Does he have Solar shingles?
That is a power wall. Does he have Solar shingles?

Yeah, He had solar panels installed last year. He sent the information to all the parents in case we were interested in home use. Can’t remember the company he used.