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Towing with Tesla Model X

hey sorry im late to the thread here, i currently own a Model 3 and a Nissan Titan, we live about 20 miles from our normal lake and 50 miles from our next choice lake. Im trying to see if its worth trading in the Titan for a used model X, until the Cybertruck finally arrives in a couple of years. i only read a couple of pages in this thread and was wondering what the final verdict was in regards to launching and towing with the X. 2020 AR190 so the weight of our boat is well within the specs. We love our model 3, had it just over a year now and nearly 30k miles on it even with the pandemic slowing us down lol
You will lose somewhere between 30%-50% of your range towing at highway speeds.

100 miles round trip is very doable. Launching is a non-event.

I put a hitch on our 3 a couple weekends ago to pull an 8x10 utility trailer. Hitch is rated for 4000# and the car is rated for 2500#.

We are replacing concrete around our pool and I am taking the old concrete about 5 miles across town. I stopped to weigh one of the loads and I had almost exactly 3500# total weight for trailer + concrete (I reduced future load size). I could barely tell it was there and my efficiency/range decreased by about 25%.
Awesome thanks! and wow i would love to add a hitch receiver to my 3 for those Homedepot trips, where did you find one?
Awesome thanks! and wow i would love to add a hitch receiver to my 3 for those Homedepot trips, where did you find one?

There are more inexpensive hitches available for the 3, but this one (in my opinion) is the best. I did the install myself in about 4 hours, or you could take it to anyone who installs hitches (even UHaul) and have it done for a couple hundred.
You will lose somewhere between 30%-50% of your range towing at highway speeds.

100 miles round trip is very doable. Launching is a non-event.

I agree here. Based on dropped efficiency and range on my truck, and comparing that with original range and efficiency on a Model X......I came to about the same range numbers. If someone is within a 100mi round trip I 100% agree that should be very doable with a Model X.

No more concern with dunking the rear of a Model X than my old TBSS. Both are relatively low to the ground. My TBSS didn't even touch the bumper on every ramp I had it on. Model X will be in better shape. Torque and traction are both non-issues on a dual motor Model X as well.

My TBSS was ~4,200lbs, had a ~2in lowering kit on it, ~400hp, and was AWD. I suspect the driving dynamics were VERY similar to a Model X. It towed the AR190 exceptionally well, and had ZERO problems at the ramp, even with the reduced ride height.
800 seems like a fair price to me, thanks! I think ill be picking up one of these if i cant convince the wife to get the X, been a little hard since we are both WFH now and even when we arent wfh we both work at the same office lol
So the wife decided to order a Tesla Model X. Any one have any experience towing with one of these? It say the towing capacity is 5000# which will be on the edge of the weight of my AR240. She usually has the tow vehicle so I’m debating on buying another truck just as a tow vehicle as I put so many miles on my car for work it doesn’t make sense for me to have a truck. We tow to our marina 3 miles from where the boat is stored maybe 4 times a year once to drop it for the season, a mid season pull out for cleaning and to pull at the end of the season. This is all flat towing with 50 mph speed limits. For any longer trips I would rent a truck if I don’t buy one what are your thoughts or experiences?
@robert843 .....In think you are too close to the maximum limit for the Tesla and probably over it (insurance ramifications in case of an accident) - and that is without including the weight of gear in the tow vehicle. Given the few times you tow I'd rent a truck - the interest on a loan would pay for that. rental and waaay more. No loan needed (of course, not my business) then take the money for a new truck and put it into an ETF in the stock market. That would sure pay for the truck rentals IMO. My 2 cents FWIW :cool:
I’m still a skeptic. Maybe I’ll change my mind when Tesla Quality catches up to Chevrolet!

Tesla has highest emotional appeal, but also the most problems

”JD Power announced results of its Initial Quality Survey in June, including Tesla for the first time and revealing that owners reported more problems than any other automaker JD Power rated. Which made for an interesting contrast this week with a new JD Power survey measuring emotional appeal. Tesla has more than anyone.”

I have a Model 3 and took the JD Power and reported some squeaks, they count that as a problem. A squeak shouldn’t be the same category as a cracked dash or transmission issues. I have been working on cars for 15 years and Chevy/GM are top of the list when it comes to poor quality. I think it’s important to note that any software issues are fixed overnight without your knowledge, or you can have someone remote in to do diagnostics on your car and fix remotely.
I have a Model 3 and took the JD Power and reported some squeaks, they count that as a problem. A squeak shouldn’t be the same category as a cracked dash or transmission issues. I have been working on cars for 15 years and Chevy/GM are top of the list when it comes to poor quality. I think it’s important to note that any software issues are fixed overnight without your knowledge, or you can have someone remote in to do diagnostics on your car and fix remotely.

It would seem that the JD Power Initial Quality Survey disagrees with your anecdotal claim by the tune of:
250 vs. 141.

Now, back to that emotional appeal...
How long has Ford and GM been around?
It's coming...
I have a Model 3 and took the JD Power and reported some squeaks, they count that as a problem. A squeak shouldn’t be the same category as a cracked dash or transmission issues. I have been working on cars for 15 years and Chevy/GM are top of the list when it comes to poor quality. I think it’s important to note that any software issues are fixed overnight without your knowledge, or you can have someone remote in to do diagnostics on your car and fix remotely.

GM is consistently middle of the pack in problems per 1,000 cars on Consumer Reports scale. Which is far more thorough than JD Powers surveys.

You probably see more problems with them because they sell more cars.

I've owned more than 15 vehicles from Kias, to Audis. GM has always been consistently reliable for me, with Audi a close second. I've had more problems from my Ford's than any other brand, with Mazda a close second on that end of the spectrum.

This is all anecdotal though and doesn't really matter. I think we can all agree that it's hard to buy a BAD vehicle anymore. There are no Yugo's in today's market.
I don’t put stock in JD Power, it’s a program companies buy into. That should say enough.
Towing with a Tesla (Or any EV) is about to get a little easier.

20 miles/minute.... I have come across some gas pumps that may be less than that lol.
I have a Model 3 and took the JD Power and reported some squeaks, they count that as a problem. A squeak shouldn’t be the same category as a cracked dash or transmission issues. I have been working on cars for 15 years and Chevy/GM are top of the list when it comes to poor quality. I think it’s important to note that any software issues are fixed overnight without your knowledge, or you can have someone remote in to do diagnostics on your car and fix remotely.
Couldn’t agree more. Personally I would never buy a Chevy. I mean have you guys ever noticed literally ALL Chevy’s almost always have at least 1 running light out!?! It’s truly crazy, and it’s not limited to a model or year. Once you notice, you can’t unnoticed it!
Interesting news happening in the EV truck market over the past month.

LG is suing SK Innovation for poaching employees and stealing trade secrets. SK is set to supply batteries for the new electrified F-150 which could effect production.

GM it going to release details and accept preorders for the new Hummer "supertruck" and SUV in Nov. The dropped a video recently.

And today Nikola finally announced who the OEM will be that will be helping to engineer and produce the Badger as GM. GM was given a 11% stake in Nikola and gave a seat on the board if directors.
The Badger is available now for preorder and will debut at Nikola World in Dec. In Phoenix.