Ok it's now around 7 am day 3 of this build and after doing pretty well yesterday i could see light at the end of the tunnel, I had a few more bits to weld and then that was finished it was a case of cleaning the welds and cleaning the old axles and fitting the wood and general bits and pieces wheels etc and painting the whole thing, The guys were in bright and early and we made a 7.30 am start with full intention of giving the Boss his workshop back and finishing the job completely, Ok well here we go i hope you enjoy.

As you can see i went right inside the draw bar and gave 4 good welds inside and then welded a plate a on the outside to cap it
I added 2 more supports on the front cradle to stop any flexing as the old trailers don't have this and were subject to movement
With all the support posts finished ready for the wood thing's were really coming together
The Axles all went in smoothly and just a case of Linishing the welds down getting ready for painting
While i finished off welding up front the Cambodians were busy pushing the brush at the back end

It was all coming together by lunchtime
All the wood going back in place and all the metal had 2 coats of grey metal paint
Looking a lot better

So here's what we started with folks

And Here's what we finished up with, 3 days graft in 40 degrees we got finished about 5 pm day 3, I Englishman and 2 Cambodians 20 liters of Ice water and a hired workshop, Well I'm well pleased it's come out good and easy to keep clean and no hiding places for salt water, I reckon the complete job including hiring the Cambodians and the workshop around $500 but job satisfaction 100%, I was happy because as you can tell by my previous posts i like thing's right and maybe i would have been standing over them if other people had done it, The Lads worked well and i gave them a $10 bonus each they were well pleased, I seem to be running out of jobs on this Boat Oh well something will turn up, I think I've about covered everything but just give me a shout if there's anything you think I've missed, I'm off to get some food i haven't eaten all day then an early night i think.