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Wake enhancer comparison

@swatski just ignore him he is clueless and not worth bothering with. The lemmings will jump off the cliff as usual and enjoy the ride only to be disappointed with the end result. If someone tries to reason with them before they jump he calls them names and does exactly what he is accusing them of doing he has little to no credibility.
My advice after so many years with boats of all types is props pull and jets push so a 60 foot rope is fine for a prop boat but a 75 foot is better for a jet . If you want to stay out of the spray use the correct rope and be sure to inflate the tube hard so it does not drag, use real full time steering and you can swing the tube with ease, control big tubes and even tandem tubes . And please don't drag the ladder in the water behind the boat when you are pulling tubes as shown in that picture !!!
all it takes is some ballast and a wake shaper product that you can remove when you are not using it for making a surf able wake .
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No I haven't seen the wake booster in person so just judging what I see on here compared to what I see with equally ballasted wake wedge. It is true the wake booster is easy to deploy and setup but what's more important the wave or the initial setup? The reality is none of these are going to be quick setups no matter what you do unless you're using multiple pumps to fill bags.
Good point. I hadn’t really considered that switching sides also meant switching swim deck ballast from one side to the other.
I’m only speaking to my experience with a 2016 ar240. The wake wedge does a great job of cleaning the wave face as advertised. The booster also cleans the face and seems to provide some volume to the wave. This weekend I surfed ropeless no issues with just the booster and custom swim deck bag on surf side. I did not fill the center locker and could tell the wave did not have as much push but it was fine and good enough for a quick outing. Plus the boat did not struggle like before to get on plane. We only had to run at 5,300 rpm versus 6,500-7,000 with center locker full (650 lbs). After 2 summers of ironing out the kinks my conclusion is that the custom swim deck bag is key and either shaper device works. Furthermore, I never plan to surf or pull riders again without gps speed control. My wife was having trouble going ropeless this weekend at 10.7 mph. I slowed to 10.3 and she could feel the difference and tossed the rope in. Just .4 of a mph made the difference and it’s effortless with the ridesteady knob.
My advice after so many years with boats of all types is props pull and jets push so a 60 foot rope is fine for a prop boat but a 75 foot is better for a jet . And please don't drag the ladder in the water behind the boat when you are pulling tubes as shown in that picture !!!

Yeah, Jeff agrees with me. That's progress. The kids left the ladder down, it happens. Definitely not on purpose. And I can't agree with you more, we use the longer rope as well. It helps loads. What I have noticed, is the spray is done in less than 60ft. Roughly 15-20 in front of the tube when it crosses.
After 2 summers of ironing out the kinks my conclusion is that the custom swim deck bag is key and either shaper device works. Furthermore, I never plan to surf or pull riders again without gps speed control. My wife was having trouble going ropeless this weekend at 10.7 mph. I slowed to 10.3 and she could feel the difference and tossed the rope in. Just .4 of a mph made the difference and it’s effortless with the ridesteady knob.
Those conclusions I would absolutely endorse, as well.
I wish the FatSac would use 1" ports like e.g. SUMO, other than that it's great.
Speed control is the key, no doubt. Love the RideSteady, I know I said it already a million times but the system is so good! As long as it is turned on, lol.
Yeah, true story - I (inadvertently) started pulling a skier with the RS off... figured the speed was a tad fast - looked at the gauge it was 37mph (oh $hit moment)... Thankfully my skier was a strong dude and he said he loved it, lol! No plans to repeat though.

With my TB setup almost there:
Yep, with three pumps the bag inflates so fast.
If I empty it with pumps, it vacuum shrivels down like a raisin, so there's not much air in it when filling up, easy to let it escape through the Air Lock.

I finally finished the plumbing remodel, switched to barbed elbow W746 connectors, which is great as those do not pop loose anytime.
No action pics yet, but the plumbing is done!
The two WM hoses and the bag are rolled up into in the STRBD side wet compartment, the other pump/hose into the PORT side. So, I only need to disconnect one elbow connector (top) and then roll those semi-assemblies into the wet lockers.
This is great!
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I'm still trying to figure out two details:
1. some kind of place holders/clips/clamps for the bag - so that I can just roll it out, position, and then fill/drain from the helm
2. wonder if anyone experimented more with the split throttle surfing (w/ R-S off and off of the full sync mode), not sure I want to chase that but if someone showed it helps I would want to know!

buy one of these and forget about the boat I see people riding them on the gulf side of shell island and one guy has his dog on the board with him passing blind pass sand bar all the time.
Ok, @jcyamaharider or @jcyamahariders wife I’m trying to make sure I totally understand the wake wedge options for surfing both regular and goofy. It wasn’t clear to me from looking on your website or on the forum. Here’s how I interpret the options:

1. The standard wake wedge is set up for either regular or goofy. It’s possible, but impractical to switch a standard wake wedge from side-to-side on the water. It requires removing and reinstalling the hardware for the rubber clasps.
2. The universal wake wedge can be much more easily changed from side-to-side, but we lose swim ladder access while it is attached.
3. To more quickly switch from side-to-side, some people buy both a regular and goofy wake wedge. This allows for access to the swim ladder with the wedge(s) attached.
4. Regardless of the wake wedge setup, switching the custom fatsac transom ballast from side-to-side is a 15-20 minute activity without additional pumps (drain, reposition, refill).
5. Be careful not to drop the wake wedge while changing on the water (has this happened to anybody?)

Did I get things right or am I off base on any of this? Thanks!
Ok, @jcyamaharider or @jcyamahariders wife I’m trying to make sure I totally understand the wake wedge options for surfing both regular and goofy. It wasn’t clear to me from looking on your website or on the forum. Here’s how I interpret the options:

1. The standard wake wedge is set up for either regular or goofy. It’s possible, but impractical to switch a standard wake wedge from side-to-side on the water. It requires removing and reinstalling the hardware for the rubber clasps.
2. The universal wake wedge can be much more easily changed from side-to-side, but we lose swim ladder access while it is attached.
3. To more quickly switch from side-to-side, some people buy both a regular and goofy wake wedge. This allows for access to the swim ladder with the wedge(s) attached.
4. Regardless of the wake wedge setup, switching the custom fatsac transom ballast from side-to-side is a 15-20 minute activity without additional pumps (drain, reposition, refill).
5. Be careful not to drop the wake wedge while changing on the water (has this happened to anybody?)

Did I get things right or am I off base on any of this? Thanks!
I think you are right on!

Re: 5. I have not dropped the wedge (knock on wood) but I am very careful and if possible try to install it first, before the transom bag is out to have more room and no clutter.
But I have had the transom bag slide off of the swim deck a couple of times, no fun. It won't sink but it is impossible to pull back out without emptying it almost completely which can be a chore when it is floating half submerged behind the boat. Not my finest moves, usually due to trying to rush and not thinking straight.

EDIT: I've also forgotten to straighten/flatten the wedge up after surfing before heading back to the docks a few times... I attribute the pounding it takes from the jets (when NOT straightened out to a flat-out position) to braking a rubber clamp once of twice. It's an easy fix but probably avoidable, lol.

EDIT: I've also forgotten to straighten/flatten the wedge up after surfing before heading back to the docks a few times... I attribute the pounding it takes from the jets (when NOT straightened out to a flat-out position) to braking a rubber clamp once of twice. It's an easy fix but probably avoidable, lol.


My wedge seems pretty close to straight out for surfing operation. I never adjust it between surfing and any other activity.

It’s a pain to reattach the rubber straps after putting the ladder away, it’s so close to the platform. But, surfs well and never had any adverse affects.

I wonder if I should give it a couple turns lower when surfing??
TV wakes are the equivalent of putting your thumb over the end of a garden hose.
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My wedge seems pretty close to straight out for surfing operation. I never adjust it between surfing and any other activity.

It’s a pain to reattach the rubber straps after putting the ladder away, it’s so close to the platform. But, surfs well and never had any adverse affects.

I wonder if I should give it a couple turns lower when surfing??
I usually go 2-3 full turns down for surfing, then back to flat for a ride back, that's what we came up with after initial testing when we first started using it, I think it was last season. Yes, tilting it does help with the rubber clamp access. Would be nice to come up with some kind of a snap-on jam/lock nut to prevent the wedge from wearing open during longer sessions, but I have not found it to be a big deal, yet. Next time I go out I'll try the fully (flat) open again, just to see how it works.

TV's are the equivalent of putting your thumb over the end of a garden hose.
You mean TVWs, right? I would say yes. Hence the boat attitude would be with the bow lowered. May be nice for some situations, maybe even most of the time for some users, but without it being adjustable like a regular trim it's just not a good idea. Not to mention the stress on the steering nozzle bolts. Those pumps are not designed with a vertical diverter in mind. To me this design (with all redesigns and maybe more) just looks like a ticking bomb. Oh, well, maybe I just don't understand.

@MGoMike You are correct on all your statements.

If you are going to be switching sides definitely go for the universal. We never use the ladder access while surfing. Only time it's used is because we leave it on all day.
When the boat is listed anyone can still easily pull themselves up on the swim platform. If ladder access is a concern then we offer a pair deal if you buy two. Definitely don't suggest taking your impact out on the water to undo a millions screws.

We install on the ramp and leave our set in position all day without any issue and drive at full speeds.

About dropping the wedge. . There has been 3 people in 6 years of business. If that is a concern just make sure you feel confident installing it on land before you ever try it in the water. If anything stick a float or life jacket underneath it while you do it the first couple times.

Universal wedge changeover - remove it, turn the turnbuckle to make level even again, pull the 2 pins, flip wedge over, and reattach the turnbuckle. Takes 1 minute. Then jump back in the water and place on the other side. When switching sides always empty your ballast that you have on your swim deck first. It levels your swim deck back out so you can place the wedge back on with ease. Then fill your ballast again.

Transom bag fills in 10 mins with an over the side pump. Drains in about 5 mins when you pull both plugs at the bottom.
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You mean TVWs, right? I would say yes. Hence the boat attitude would be with the bow lowered. May be nice for some situations, maybe even most of the time for some users, but without it being adjustable like a regular trim it's just not a good idea. Not to mention the stress on the steering nozzle bolts. Those pumps are not designed with a vertical diverter in mind. To me this design (with all redesigns and maybe more) just looks like a ticking bomb. Oh, well, maybe I just don't understand.


This is a true concern, and I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Long term will tell.

Swatski, do you have any photos of what your wedge looks like deployed while under way? Sort of tough to get that shot, but curious if you have ever taken one. It would be interesting to see just how far you have your wedge deployed. It seems like the best way to make a smooth wave.
This is a true concern, and I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Long term will tell.

Swatski, do you have any photos of what your wedge looks like deployed while under way? Sort of tough to get that shot, but curious if you have ever taken one. It would be interesting to see just how far you have your wedge deployed. It seems like the best way to make a smooth wave.
I'll search for better pics, but quickly here is a couple on the lift - with the Wedge fully extended/flat out.
not sure I have anything good underway, but the wedge is completely out and above the jet stream.
(no worries about boat's peeing, lol - just draining leftover water from the center locker bag)

You mean TVWs, right? I would say yes. Hence the boat attitude would be with the bow lowered. May be nice for some situations, maybe even most of the time for some users, but without it being adjustable like a regular trim it's just not a good idea. Not to mention the stress on the steering nozzle bolts. Those pumps are not designed with a vertical diverter in mind. To me this design (with all redesigns and maybe more) just looks like a ticking bomb. Oh, well, maybe I just don't understand.

It is scary to me how many times that they have changed the design on their website. At first I was stoked to see another surf mod, but looks like way to much stress on the factory parts. Just like you said, @swatski
I'll search for better pics, but quickly here is a couple on the lift - with the Wedge fully extended/flat out.
not sure I have anything good underway, but the wedge is completely out and above the jet stream.
(no worries about boat's peeing, lol - just draining leftover water from the center locker bag)
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Thanks for sharing that. This was what I could not tell from everyones description. It's not actually "down" but more extending your swimdeck? or do some run these downward as well?

Now I can see why some were trying to design these out of rubber mats etc.

Thanks for sharing that. This was what I could not tell from everyones description. It's not actually "down" but more extending your swimdeck? or do some run these downward as well?

Now I can see why some were trying to design these out of rubber mats etc.

The Wedge needs to be turned down to do the work, @swatski just turns his up when he is not surfing. It is perfectly fine to leave it alone also while under way.
Thanks for sharing that. This was what I could not tell from everyones description. It's not actually "down" but more extending your swimdeck? or do some run these downward as well?

Now I can see why some were trying to design these out of rubber mats etc.

Here are your jets up close at a cruising speed, courtesy of @Williamsone46

Makes me think of what do I want to hang in the way.
