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What might be in store for 2023?

There is substantiated evidence that for the 2023's there will be a revised line of of 21' to a 22' boat. The new models will be named:
- 222S - Confirmed
- 222XE - Confirmed
- 222SE - Confirmed
- 222SD - Not Confirmed

The thing I see here is no 225 models. And that indicates no SVHO engines for the smaller boats. I do believe there are folks that will pay a premium for a 225 model. Need, never comes into that conversation. But the technology is there, and it would be a great addition to the line.

For those looking for an AR, I would expect that to come in a following year. Or anyone looking for a tower still will get that in the listings above. Just no base AR220. We will know in just over a day.
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The thing I see here is no 225 models. And that indicates no SVHO engines for the smaller boats. I do believe there are folks that will pay a premium for a 225 model. Need, never comes into that conversation. But the technology is there, and it would be a great addition to the line.

For those looking for an AR, I would expect that to come in a following year. Or anyone looking for a tower still will get that in the listings above. Just now base AR220. We will know in just over a day.

AR are only base models. All models listed above would come with a tower, based on the 25' line up.

Honestly the SVHO on the 21/22' boats might be too much power. It would probably push them past 60mph. A single on a 19' can hit 54mph.
AR are only base models. All models listed above would come with a tower, based on the 25' line up.

Honestly the SVHO on the 21/22' boats might be too much power. It would probably push them past 60mph. A single on a 19' can hit 54mph.
Yup, agreed, that's what I meant by them getting a tower with the listings above.

Did you just say, "too much power" I giggle, as I agree, it would be overkill. I would almost say, that a 225x, could actually be rigged with a bigger pump, to allow more low end for surfing, over top end performance. (like a true tow boat) But that would require engineering, which we know comes slow with Yamaha. It's done right, when done, but slow.
Scarab offers up to 600 hp on their 21ft, not sure many people go for that option.

If Yamaha goes with these 222 models I just hope they make one that the tower and bimini will fold down enough to fit in my 9ft garage door without modifying and removing a bimini frame like the 255s. That is the only 255 feature I don’t want.
Just got an email from Yamaha for the run the water series. Said it will show the new lineup.

Stay tuned for tomorrow. See the new lineup at 9 pm EST.
Me too, waiting with bated anticipation
Just got an email from Yamaha for the run the water series. Said it will show the new lineup.

Stay tuned for tomorrow. See the new lineup at 9 pm EST.

Or you can just read about it here. Julian already has the info on the new lineup. If it's anything like last year, he has it organized and already for us to review. Planned posting is also 9 pm EST. I plan to start here and once I have looked at everything, wonder to the Yamaha website.

For those looking for an AR, I would expect that to come in a following year. Or anyone looking for a tower still will get that in the listings above. Just no base AR220. We will know in just over a day.

I would be disappointed if they went this route. :(

I'm ready to buy a boat and would be very interested in an AR220. If Yamaha doesn't release a SX220 and/or an AR220, my money is going elsewhere. Maybe a used AR240/250 or another brand boat.

Just looked at the prices on the 19 footers - everything around 7% +/- .25 increase outside of the 195S that jumped 4.4%
Really hoping for a new black and red surf boat, with more ballast. Would love an updated version of my 242X with a similar color scheme.
the new 22ft boats look cool. 70 gal tank. 1.8’s. Same seating as the 250 series and more. Saw the promo video on the site. Not sure if all can see it for some reason. Probably shouldn’t have a launch on a Saturday when most people have the day off like their web team lol.
the new 22ft boats look cool. 70 gal tank. 1.8’s. Same seating as the 250 series and more. Saw the promo video on the site. Not sure if all can see it for some reason. Probably shouldn’t have a launch on a Saturday when most people have the day off like their web team lol.
Yep looks like all 22' models are showcased in the video, and some of them are in the toggler.
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