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What might be in store for 2023?

In 30 Minutes we will release our videos and you'll get to see Neil and I review what's coming!
On the website all the colors have been updated. And lots of details on the new 22ft. But prices are still the old ones.
Was hoping they would squeeze a head in the 22', but they didn't. The prototype design and mocks I saw just over a year ago didn't have either. The pics I am seeing now don't show one, bummer.
I'm not even sure why I'm spending so much time looking at that event while I have a 2022 and no intention in changing it:)
I'm not even sure why I'm spending so much time looking at that event while I have a 2022 and no intention in changing it:)

Same, I wouldn't be going for another 21/21' anyhow, but it is cool to see the innovation and the direction the product lines are going. :)
Not a fan of the colors I like the green from last year. I’ll be trying to get a 2022 255 after the first of the year if anyone is selling.
2023 195s changed colors to black or grey and a new head unit.
Anyone else notice the 275sd is now the sdx. Mentions "all new" DRIVE X system that allows for lateral boat movements as well as rotate on axis.
Looks like everything is up on the Yamaha site now and rolled over.
Hoping they haven't updated the engines on the AR220, but they look like they still have the 3 Cyl, TR-1 with a boat that is 300lbs heavier.
Where is the price sheet and video?
I hope the dealers will not keep jacking up the prices like last year.
I hope the dealers will not keep jacking up the prices like last year.

You can bet they will. Supply chain issues won't have magically resolved themselves and I don't see that happening for some time.
2023 195s changed colors to black or grey and a new head unit.
Also looks like they went with a little juicier hertz head unit with a battery guage for a more accurate reading on the reconfigured dash and a downgrade on the polk speakers. Guess they relised the fusion unit was no match for the wetsounds on the 2022 model.
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That 22ft looks pretty nice honestly. They could have modernized a little bit more the dashboard on the lower end versions though. Overall I like those new colors. Still love my grey 2022 Ar250.
Disappointed in the TR-1's In the Base FSH and AR220. More so in the AR220. With the added weight it is going to feel sluggish. I would have liked to have sign a couple more grand on the price and throw in the in the 1.8's. Unless the new hull design mitigates some of that.

Now with that said the Larger gas tank is a huge plus. I would be interested to see with the range is on them.