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What might be in store for 2023?

No increase in ballast for the 252 or 255. Another 1,000 lbs would have been huge. With the way we’re using the boat, I’m starting to shift to Axis. Sucks because I’ve loved everything else about the Yamaha.
Well, I didn’t see some of those changes coming for the 222 FSH models;

Much higher free board, safety and bigger water confidence.

Coming with the Simrad MFD is great!

The hard top and full height glass windscreen is really awesome! With the hard top this will allow a set of canvas with stratoglass to be easily put on for those windy/rainy/cooler days.

As mentioned in Julian and Neil’s vid, there are places to put rods in the bow for a forward sunscreen. This could also be used for a pop up tent support, not unlike the tents that used to be available for the bow riders. I think Yamaha quit producing those tents in 2015?


I do like the flip open jump seats and I’m going to assume under those jump seats is storage like the 210 model FSH. I think this is a big improvement over the type of jump seats in my boat, the removable back rests on my boat need to be treated with the utmost respect or you’re going to end up face first on the deck. Plus the new style are always on board and protected when not in use.

Also most awesomely is the addition of deck drains in the corners! This will aid greatly in keeping water off the deck and for cleaning the deck with the raw water wash down system….wonder if the raw water wash down system got an electric pump instead of the starboard jet pump providing water ?

Love the snap in marine mat flooring, leave it in for sport boating / cruising / entertaining days, remove it for fishing days to make clean up super easy.

The 75 gallon tank is nice! 25 gallons bigger than the 210. Depending on what the best cruise mileage is with the 1.8L engines and holding back 10% reserve= 67.5 gallons, this will either give the same range as the 210 of 165 miles if mpg is 2.5, and will boost range to 202.5 if mpg is 3.

The lift and lock latches are nice on the forward compartments instead of the rubber bunji style latches.

The drain in the forward starboard insulated fish box was increased to what looks like 1.5” and the drain is right below the fish box instead of traveling all the way back aft. This is nice for a non macerated fish box drain.

I see they fixed the way the anchor locker door opens!

The compass was relocated to the port side of the helm, probably for better esthetics with the Simrad MFD but it also gets it away from any magnetic interference..

Gone are the analogue tachs…not sure I like that.

Also looks like the 5 gallon bucket locker in the deck in the bow is bigger.

Bravo on the insert for the complete casting platform in the bow…wonder if there will be a filler pad to make it into a sun pad? Probably could get a pad made by any upholstery shop. Nice to have a table for entertaining or making up tackle. Wonder if it will have dedicated storage in one of the forward storage pods?

Lots of improvements in a more affordable package than the 255/252 FSH series, and with the 1.8’s it should be a sporty little boat with a power to weight ratio of 10.8:1 with a full tank of fuel! That’s better power to weight ratio (11:1), by .3 pounds than the 255 FSH Sport E with a full tank of fuel!!! By comparison my 210 FSH Sport‘s is 14.87:1 with a full tank of fuel.
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No increase in ballast for the 252 or 255. Another 1,000 lbs would have been huge. With the way we’re using the boat, I’m starting to shift to Axis. Sucks because I’ve loved everything else about the Yamaha.
Yup! With the increase in price they're now WELL into the budget tow boat range. Every one of those boats have push button ropeless surf capability. May not be the most massive wave, but still surf-able for the average person.
No deluxe models on the FSH... interesting choice.
Disappointed in the TR-1's In the Base FSH and AR220. More so in the AR220. With the added weight it is going to feel sluggish. I would have liked to have sign a couple more grand on the price and throw in the in the 1.8's. Unless the new hull design mitigates some of that.

Now with that said the Larger gas tank is a huge plus. I would be interested to see with the range is on them.

The TR-1s are here to stay. If you want more power, its same as always, upgrade to the 222.
The TR-1s are here to stay. If you want more power, its same as always, upgrade to the 222.
Not sure how much longer they can stay. Anymore weight on the boats with them and the performance will be inadequate for the price tag. Those boats will hit $60k sooner than later. They will lose the market they captured with them.
One time when I called Yamaha corp I asked why the 1.8’s were not in the sport model… the CSR said that using the TR-1’s helped to keep the cost down. All part of the demographics I suppose. I love the sound they make while at idle and underway.

Their fuel consumption is also less both from a stochiomatic and gross hp aspect. By putting the 1.8’s in, that increases the stochiomatic aspect by an additional 1.4 liters, so all that to say the TR-1’s are less money to operate from a fuel consumption standpoint.. these motors are also used in Yamaha’s snow machines where I know at least one model is turbocharged… now that would be huge in the marine application, especially for high altitude operation. And they are probably less money to manufacture.
Anyone else notice the 275sd is now the sdx. Mentions "all new" DRIVE X system that allows for lateral boat movements as well as rotate on axis.
wonder how to update my boat with that? Have the 2022 275SD