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I'm hooked on these one bite pizza reviews. El Presidente is a funny mofo! Watch a few of them, and then search 'one bite blaze pizza' on YouTube. You'll thank me later!!
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Three different viewpoints

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I'm hooked on these one bite pizza reviews. El Presidente is a funny mofo! Watch a few of them, and then search 'one bite blaze pizza' on YouTube. You'll thank me later!!

Got me hooked! One bite, everybody knows the rules.....
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Nailed it! Whose in the Christmas spirit?


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Kind of strange how complacent these folks are with their boat sinking. I would have kept it on plane or moving at least, and been bailing like hell!

This millennial taking selfies while everyone else is bailing out the boat... should have been just FIVE rescued and let her take pictures all the way down to Davy Jones.



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Student gives a presentation on the country of Wakanda and blows his teachers mind. ?
This millennial taking selfies while everyone else is bailing out the boat... should have been just FIVE rescued and let her take pictures all the way down to Davy Jones.

Agreed. They'll be known as the "worthless generation" unless something changes. As a gen x'er, raised by boomers and living in a gen m/y world, it disgusts me.
Check this out. How old do you think the older kid is? I’m thinking 5 or less.
Until I saw this video I was proud to say I taught my kid how to microwave a hot dog at 6 years old.

Check this out. How old do you think the older kid is? I’m thinking 5 or less.
Until I saw this video I was proud to say I taught my kid how to microwave a hot dog at 6 years old.

Dang. AND he's been doing it for a while. I've been making an omelette for breakfast every morning for almost a decade and I don't look that smooth doing it! ?
I remember this LMFAO

For those self quarantining, my wife found this link of radio stations around the World. It is pretty cool to hear what they are saying and listening to.

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That’s cool! You can listen to anywhere in the world from your bunker.
if they lose the Internet this whole country is going to explode.

Ya, the Bunker, AKA The Cheese Cave...this will be a last resort. My hill top fort is defendable until then.[flag]

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For those self quarantining, my wife found this link of radio stations around the World. It is pretty cool to hear what they are saying and listening to.

@zipper that's cool! Reminds me of when I was a kid and we would stay up into the morning hours to see what AM stations we could get. Best was when at a friend's cottage on Lake Huron when the expanse of water would augment the 'skip' and we could pull in stations from half way across the country.