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That's way to cool. What's plaining speed on the road?
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I dont know if it is trending or not...but at least one of these fails makes me laugh. With a bunch of "Oh Craps" mixed in.

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I laughed til I cried on this one:

Must be so stoned. Because no one moved fast from the car or the guy taking a leak was unfazed at first.
Got to love the other guy pumping gas didn't flinch
I don’t know about trending but I just saw this video of an “inexpensive” amphibious two person plane and wonder what you guys think.

I don’t know about trending but I just saw this video of an “inexpensive” amphibious two person plane and wonder what you guys think.

I'm a non-pilot aviation fan (yes, a "wannabe") but I love these things. Josh from CaptianMrAviation101 just took a ride in one of these on his youtube channel. It looks crazy fun to me.
Is this the most awesome consumer jet boat ever? 2300 HP, $800K in upgrade, etc., etc., etc.

Is this guy a member here?

Sure is. It's @robert843

FYI @robert843 the top "glove box" is marketed as a beverage center. Hence why the door folds down to 90° to act as a serving tray. We sure don't use it for that purpose though... who does? We pop the top on our cans or stab a Capri Sun and use all 13 of those cup holders. ?

I love my AR240! Preach to me about the fiberglass... [HASH=719]#truth[/HASH]
The best photo bomb...

It appears the Diesel Brothers are cooking up some twin diesel surf contraption. They were down at Sand Hollow in southern Utah doing some filming with it yesterday. Looks like a partnership with Brigade Surfboards and Gatorstep.
From the carefully guarded views it looks to have a large lower swim/surf platform and upper deck with tow point and exhaust stacks...? Should be interesting.

Supposedly it will be a featured build on the new season which starts Dec. 9.

Of course Heavy D has his Pavati there as the chase boat.
Truckla, to as functional as the Tesla Cyber Truck but still cool.
