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Huh... So when I do flush my toilet it does flow down to Illinois.
Is that the real reason New Orleans always smells like sh*t?
Is that the real reason New Orleans always smells like sh*t?
Possibly. While I do like visiting New Orleans, it's just not right to have to look up to see water. Kinda unsettling.
Panoramic glass roof on Model Y. Pretty cool.

Rollover... yikes.

Less than 3% of auto accidents involve a roll over. In addition, an EV with an ultra low center of gravity due to the heavy batteries under the floor further make the likelihood of rollover even less. I'm pretty sure that if you are truly worried about that eventuality, you're not the target buyer for the car.
Rollover... yikes.
With their center of gravity lower than a go cart not sure I would be too too worried.

But even, with seatbelts on it wouldnt be much different from a regular cage, actually.

Edit: @Troch1 beat me to the punch, lol.

I survived a highway rollover in a Passat, years ago but I can attest tempered glass in your ears is a b-itch. Here is the fun part: biggest problem was... my own stupidity, when I didn’t realize we were sitting upside down and released my seat belt... lol (almost broke my neck after surviving a high speed rollover w/flying off a highway, lol)

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Family guy remake :hilarious:
Is anyone freaking out?
