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@Ilmmct Funny!
But I think we should stick with "nothing political". Or religious. Religiously.

This forum is like a weird oasis of sorts, LOL. I like it.

This is just plain crazy.

I'm sorry....but this would have been a change my shorts kind of situation (surprised she didn't jump over the railing):

Not gonna lie, I would have shot that cat if it came that close. . . . .
I'm sorry....but this would have been a change my shorts kind of situation (surprised she didn't jump over the railing):

That’s a couple miles from my house!
What an idiot.
And who runs a throttle like that?
@Julian , that guy was too stupid for the Darwin! lol
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10:45 seconds of my life I will never get back... and I don't mind... :hilarious:

You've all seen the cuttlefish episode right? So great!
That and it is currently deer rifle season up here in the north woods
Don't need a rifle in my subdivision....the neighbor hand feeds the deer! Just need a quick arm and a hammer! LOL We have neighbors that will (illegally) shoot them from their decks (rifles/shotguns) and others that use crossbows and bows. Just WAY to many here! I just hope they leave the 2 albino twins alone....