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This was just posted this morning. I need one of these!

Reminded me of this (at 2:18"):

Yes, it was 1982...

Did it seem odd to you guys that when he was in the air he had the same pose on every shot? Also, they never actually showed him from the front being lifted off, and he never waved or anything?? I think this is a PR hoax and that the santa snow boarder that was airborne was actually a much lighter dummy. Think about it?
Shit, I just watched it again and think maybe he might have been real. Maybe just bad camera planning. I would have at least run the Gopro on myself when I was in the air!
Maybe there's more to see on the 360 footage referenced at the end of the video.
Casey is cool but the format was odd and no POV shots while in the air. I call bs on the lifting a person and I'm skeptical of it pulling a skier as well.
Pulling a skier I can see no problem, but lifting him....not so sure. When you look at some of the other drones that show people being lifted, they have WAY more props and motors effecting the lift:

The black calf socks and orange 1970's helmet make that video so great!
Check out the section where it is being unloaded from the truck. Huge dual props on each arm which is a very effective design. Also no frame work for carrying the persom which adds to the weight of other human carrying ones. The human is also short and with the santa suit removed likely slender pointing to a low load weight.

Notice the saftey line from just above the handle and disappearing as into the waist area in a couple of the shots where in the air or right before going into the air. The nose grab probally looks cooler than two hands on the grip or the free arm just waving around. Not much else you can do with your right hand taking the weight and stablizing. Imagine just a harness being used with no hands on the rope. I bet the person would flop and spin.

I am not saying this is not a hoax I also am not saying that it is. I think it is plausible either way but am leaning towards real. I am sure the flight time is very limited with that kind of load if real.
Hard to say, but what makes me most suspicious is when they show the "lift off", they show him boarding away and a 2nd drone is off to the right, then they cut to the same shot before he lifts off and the 2nd drone is gone. Why cut to a different shot if its not to replace the human with a dummy? That said, there is a "making of" this moving and at 8:25 it shows him going over houses....much lower...but looks realistic. I didn't watch it all the way through, but still didn't see any direct footage of lift off...which would be more convincing....

I'm starting to be convinced it's legit. The whole camera entourage and lifting harness Casey was wearing seems like too much to fake.

The pulling uphill seemed to be real. If the drone can pull Casey up a hill then it has the power to lift him up.

Crazy drone flying skills for sure!
Yeah, I watched the making of video now and rewatched the original as well. I am convinced it is real. As for the whole dummy debate I don't think a dummy can do a toe grab mid air when not already doing one or switch from a heel side toe grab to a toe side toe grab in mid air. Also dummies are unlikely to change facial expressions and smile at the camera. There are some other videos by this guy that is lifted as well and he is not as small as I thought. That rig has some real lifting power.

I got thinking about building one and I did some research last night. The frame (DIY aluminum and carbon fiber), motors, motor mounts, 30+ inch carbon fiber props, and electronics would cost about 10k-15k. The batteries would cost about 5k -10k. All parts are of course special order plus a whole bunch of my own build and test time. So looking at the upper end cost for what will amount to a rarely used dangerous toy that would need to be registered with the FAA with a who knows what classification and a fleet load of liability .... I don't think I will be building one anytime soon but the kid in me sure does want to try one.
These guys have the right idea.

Sweet!!!!!!! That will solve your morning commute gridlock as long as you are the only person with one. Once there are too many of these being human-piloted near each other I predict carnage. My guess is that laws will prevent that though. Until then park it in an EV spot and plug it in.

Please stop posting these as I am getting the bug to build one and my Queen would be unhappy with the cost :( Seriously though I love seeing these and hope to build my human passenger flying machine someday.
Sweet!!!!!!! That will solve your morning commute gridlock as long as you are the only person with one. Once there are too many of these being human-piloted near each other I predict carnage. My guess is that laws will prevent that though. Until then park it in an EV spot and plug it in.

Please stop posting these as I am getting the bug to build one and my Queen would be unhappy with the cost :( Seriously though I love seeing these and hope to build my human passenger flying machine someday.

Can't find the pictures on my phone, but there is a plastic surgeon that works at the hospital where my wife works that fly's his personal helicopter to work. They have a landing pad on top of the parking garage where he parks it. Atlanta traffic is a nightmare so he must of worked out an agreement with them to let him park it there.
Oh It's real...Casey is nuts.

Can't find the pictures on my phone, but there is a plastic surgeon that works at the hospital where my wife works that fly's his personal helicopter to work. They have a landing pad on top of the parking garage where he parks it. Atlanta traffic is a nightmare so he must of worked out an agreement with them to let him park it there.
Now that is cool. Would like to see a picture of that. Can't beat the WFH commute though :D
Now that is cool. Would like to see a picture of that. Can't beat the WFH commute though :D

Found them. Not the best pics but yeah he parks it right there with the cars on top of the deck. Yeah, the work at home commute is hard to beat!
IMG_4915.JPG IMG_4914.JPG