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That is pretty damn amazing - thank you @Murf'n'surf for posting
Never saw this ad before....pretty cool looking stuff! Anyone try it?????

And here is a behind the scenes video of the making of the commercial:
Oh YEAH!!! Already have a roll in the truck and one in the SHTF bag. Now I need more --- for the boat!

Great video - and the "behind the scenes" really sells it!! - Thank you @Julian
A must have in my house now is 3M VHB double side tape. But only the one with the red release tape and gray tape! The stuf is amazing.
You non beaching guys will cringe ........ Look for the Exciter around the 2:00 mark

This idea is pretty cool....but all my seasoned wood is already split....so I'll have to keep a few rounds to try this out next year! (or split them so they dry and keep it together for burning like this)

This idea is pretty cool....but all my seasoned wood is already split....so I'll have to keep a few rounds to try this out next year! (or split them so they dry and keep it together for burning like this)

This guy's idea of fire containment is to set it up on a paver... :rolleyes:

This idea is pretty cool....but all my seasoned wood is already split....so I'll have to keep a few rounds to try this out next year! (or split them so they dry and keep it together for burning like this)

If you find a nice hollowed up /rotten core log keep it in tact and put it on a bed of hot coals, it turns into a jet engine blasting flames out the top,
it's really nice for smores because it keeps the fire ring somewhat cool with the inside of the log burning,

This idea is pretty cool....but all my seasoned wood is already split....so I'll have to keep a few rounds to try this out next year! (or split them so they dry and keep it together for burning like this)

Just take a bunch of the split ones and tie together with 9 wire top mid and bottom.

Non PC Granny cooking. Who would have thought....

This was just posted this morning. I need one of these!
