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What's Trending...(online)

Ali did a lot for the sport.
This is BANANAS. . . . . Your life is literally in their hands. Strapped in and no helmet.
Hope I can be this young when I'm 82!!! Love it!


Friggin brilliant.
Not really trending but this pic of a sign I saw on a restaurant door speaks to something that is currently trending in a big way, Pokemon go.
Not really trending but this pic of a sign I saw on a restaurant door speaks to something that is currently trending in a big way, Pokemon go.
View attachment 41976

LMAO - in the same the Pensacola FL Air Force Base had to send out a PSA stating that people would no longer be allowed on site just to play Pokemon GO. (they have a naval air museum open to the public, but too many were also just coming to play that stupid game)