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Hopefully it has the button you can push to ward off the giant squid just like Capt. Nemo used!
I laughed til I cried....
Omg! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time !!
That's pretty funny @BigN8
If that is not the coolest thing ever, I don't know what is. Gosh, the price though, I would have to sell the boat.
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If that is not the coolest thing ever, I don't know what is. Gosh, the price though, I would have to sell the boat.

What is the price tag? I went to their website but don't see it listed.

It looks like something that would be fun for a day or two, but definitely not something that I would want to get out and use each day. If it is priced anywhere near a jetski, the jetski would win hands down.
Indeed that particular model is in the SD spark territory for about 4K - and it goes up into 15k with other brands :rolleyes:. Not on my shopping list anytime soon!

That said - I don't think it would be fair to compare it to a jet ski. More of a wake surf or paddle board type - seems to me.

And look at the shallow draft of this thing!
Holy crap......where the heck does the woman sitting in the road come from!!!

That is literally chilling. Incredible.