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Nice! I wonder how many frisbees were lost in that attempt!
frisbee throw was awesome!

Ive refereed some soccer matches...but Iv'e never considered gunplay. lol red cards usually suffice.

yep, this is real, ref is a cop in Brazil..

Great idea for those with a quadcopter......

Great idea for those with a quadcopter......

What a great idea to scare kids coming down the street. MuuuuuHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Funny...but I suspect a set up....what dog does that on its own?

Even set up, I don't see any dog I've ever known not swallowing them. I couldn't even do that...tater tots are awesome.

I would so make this.

Not boating related but still worth watching and current.

Thankfully nobody was hurt and The operator was an authorized employee / "pro"not just a ticket holder / "amateur".


Wow...and that was a big Pro level drone! That would have hurt having that land on you....but they do have helmets. Banning them seems a little extreme...but I guess if that landed on the crowd...that would have been worse than the skier!