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Next time you're gonna go load up your boat .....


Check this one out, biggest wakeboard boat in the world? I don't think so.

Shark attack today during a surf competition final heat in JBay South Africa. Aired live on the Internet. Everybody made it out ok.
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Shark attack today during a surf competition final heat in JBay South Africa. Aired live on the Internet. Everybody made it out ok.

Crazy! And scary. Amazing he wasn't injured.
Another reason why I'll never jump out of a perfectly good plane.....this video is 2 min long....and the guy isn't moving by the end....not good!!! So much respect for our armed forces members who do this for a living!!

So I go to Youtube to search for something entirely different than the video below, but somehow I got pulled into the mysterious gravitational force of the Youtube and ended up traveling down the rabbit hole and finding this gem! Enjoy! I have wasted more time getting caught in this rabbit hole than I would like to admit!!! Dang It!

I agree @Julian That shark turned that boat into a chew toy!!!
I agree @Julian That shark turned that boat into a chew toy!!!
Maybe the captain was diving for a boat hook, rod, paddle or something in the back ground...and we can't see that, but that is what I would have been doing....and then smacking the crap out of that shark! Maybe it was a case of...."Not my boat"