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You WON’T Believe What They Caught The Cashiers Doing At This Supermarket … Watch CLOSELY !
When you’re shopping at a grocery store, you always know when it’s the holiday season … festive decorations, music, and foods are everywhere !
But Edeka, a supermarket in Germany, decided that this wasn’t enough and they wanted to provide a special treat for their customers.
Imagine you’re at the checkout counter and the cashier scans your item … And scans it again. And again, and again, and again.
Wait … am I hearing what I think I’m hearing !? Enjoy ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA

Somebody just bought 100 boxes of mac n cheese!!
An Iconic recording....now with subtitles for the clear headed! Good for a chuckle....

If there is no audio....search for "Joe Cocker Woodstock with subtitles" and someone will have posted it again (Youtube keeps killing the audio due to copyright issues)
I hope this is ok to post here ....... Someone just gave me this jewel.
More fun than a barrel full of monkeys !
From Varney, CA raceway .............. "

I hope this is ok to post here ....... Someone just gave me this jewel.
More fun than a barrel full of monkeys !
From Varney, CA raceway .............. "

LOL....those guys are out of control.
I hope this is ok to post here ....... Someone just gave me this jewel.
More fun than a barrel full of monkeys !
From Varney, CA raceway .............. "

NICE @Julian. I have watched this in races thanks to a sailboating buddy of mine.

It's a a fantastic structure, superbly engineered. ANd THRILLING to watch race.
Team USA has about $10 to $15 Mil in the boat, with APPROX TEN TIMES that amount in R&D.

Larry Ellison, billionaire Founder and CEO of Oracle says the following (and we are Blessed to have him help Team USA as he does):

...When asked if the expense was worth it to win, "it's certainly not worth $100 million to lose the America's Cup."

LOL Enjoy ! Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
Pretty cool! Now I know why those last eyelets are there.
I always try to learn something new everyday. But I didn't think I'd learn how to tie my shoes today when I woke up. I thought I already had that one figured out. I guess I was wrong. ;)
Another cool toy that I want but is way out of my price range.

Had no idea this was a way to tie a sneaker really tight.....

Holy crap! I never knew this was a trick for those eyelets!!! I have been doing alot of walking lately and I have nickel size blisters on my heels. I could feel my foot moving slightly in the heel area and I was cranking down my laces to the point it was hurting the top of my foot. I literally cannot wait to try this!!!
Another cool toy that I want but is way out of my price range.

Made my bucket list of things that will never happen...that would be SOOO much fun!
I too wanna be the COOLEST GUY AT THE BOAT RAMP !!!!!!!!!!!
