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OKAY ............. I nominate this as THE FUNNIEST VIDEO OF THE YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so funny it oughta bring ya to tears laughing, and I betcha a 6-Pack of your favorite beverage you run to go get your Bride or G/F to come see this !

Best Wishes, Mikey Lulejian - Out on the Lake

These guys are nuts!

These guys are nuts!

Future YouTube casualties.

I like the 40' section of trail with a handrail at about 4:35. The rest of the trail = if you fall to the right you are seriously injured or die...but this 40'? Absolutely better put a railing right here! (???)
I wish I was this cool.

I don't know if its cool or stupid! Wow!! One thing goes wrong and you are dead.

It depends how you make out. If you live it's cool, if you die it's stupid!
Holy shit that made my palms sweaty!!!
I have been seeing a lot of these FPV 250mm quadcopter videos. This is one of the better ones that I have seen. I have plans for one of these in the next year or so (I'm sure I would never be as good as this guy). Hopefully the price will come down. Right now you would be looking at around $900+ for a decent 250mm with radio and goggles.

One of our local high schools last week.

I have been seeing a lot of these FPV 250mm quadcopter videos. This is one of the better ones that I have seen. I have plans for one of these in the next year or so (I'm sure I would never be as good as this guy). Hopefully the price will come down. Right now you would be looking at around $900+ for a decent 250mm with radio and goggles.

That is some great flying skills....I'd make it to turn 2....lol

Absorbs up to 1000 Gallons - IN SIXTY SECONDS ~~!

Make sure you watch this first video, a non-youtube video, FIRST !~

Click here first, please ......

Enjoy, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
That's pretty cool. I wonder how well it holds up over time. With less density, It might not stand up to much abuse.

As far as flooding, The only issue I see is the floods from days of rain leave everything at the saturation point. But it could definitely lessen the impact. Cheers to those crazy brits.
Crazy ideas keep on coming....
That's awesome....Notice the problem they had....the exhaust melted a hole in the ice behind the engine. Genius idea though. My first though, REV THAT SUCKER UP...
That's pretty cool. I wonder how well it holds up over time. With less density, It might not stand up to much abuse.

As far as flooding, The only issue I see is the floods from days of rain leave everything at the saturation point. But it could definitely lessen the impact. Cheers to those crazy brits.
Permeable pavement is the latest craze for civil engineering... yep, not as durable as non-permeable. Biggest problem is that the voids fill up with dirt so to maintain it you actually have to vacuum the thing! Also sucks long term in areas where there's snow plowing and, of course, that water has to go somewhere so the soil underneath had better be free-draining (especially if there's frost in the area). Oh, and you'd better get someone who knows what they're doing when they place it...